Month: January 2009

Interview with Steward from Kearney Shanghai – Life as a Consultant series

This is the second post in my "Life as a Consultant" series. The first was with a Booz Allen consultant. Expect more soon from current and former consultants at firms such as McKinsey and Bain! Some background first: Steward was one of the first commenters here at MC. Upon further discussions and email exchanges, I…

Launch of The Consulting Bible – your secret weapon in today’s economy

Do you stumble when asked why you want to do consulting? Are you terrified of solving Disney's growth strategy for Brazil? Unsure how to begin estimating the number of rhesus monkeys in India? You've come to the right place. Through Management Consulted, I've written article upon article about the consulting industry. From salaries to travel,…

Good reads from the consulting blogosphere, plus a great site for case interview preparation

Readers will notice that the posting rate here at MC has slowed a bit recently. Have been working on several related projects (the Consulting Bible among them) and will be excited to share with everyone soon! Until then take a look at the case interview reads we've collected from the consulting blogosphere. Later today, I'll…

How Consultants Review Resumes

The consulting resume review process is a black box for applicants. You only know whether you've gotten the interview or been rejected. In rare cases, you'll get feedback on why you didn't make the cut, but the advice is generic ("You didn't have enough work experience"). If you're interested in finance and investment banking resumes,…

10 Steps To Solve Any Sizing Question

Sizing questions are tough. They can be ambiguous, complex, and you're expected to present a sound solution with minimal data. The following are examples of sizing questions: "How many rounds of golf are played in the U.S. annually?" "How many baseballs would fit into a Boeing 747?" To master sizing questions, three skills are needed:…

The Truth about GPA Cutoff, SAT, GMAT Scores, Career Changes, and Office Selection

Is there a GPA cutoff for consulting? What do I do if I have a low SAT score from high school? Are some offices easier than others to recruit for? I tackle these questions and more in this article! This site has been growing by leaps and bounds in the past weeks. I want to…

Top 10 Tips for Management Consulting Cover Letters That Will Land An Interview

The cover letter is a required component of any job application - but often the biggest headache for applicants. In this post, I discuss the top 10 tips for consulting cover letters (from content to structure to syntax) that will avoid embarrassing mistakes and strengthen your candidacy. Cover Letter Tip 1: Opening Paragraph Your opening…

Booz Allen Consultant Interview – Life as a Consultant

This post kicks off my "Life as a Consultant" series - where, through interviews, we take an inside look at the stories of current and past consultants. Some background before we launch into this interview with a Booz Allen consultant: A reader was kind enough to reach out to me when I posted about starting…

How To Get Consulting Jobs – Even if Consulting Firms Don’t Recruit at Your School

Most GMCs (global management consultancies) such as Booz Allen, BCG, and Accenture recruit at only the top 25-50 U.S. undergraduate and MBA programs. Internationally, the process is even more selective. So what can you do if you're a strong candidate, but the firms you want to work for simply don't recruit at your school? How…

Case Interview 101: Powerful Tips To Launch Your Success

In previous posts, we've discussed interviews, resumes, and the general recruiting process. Today, we want to touch upon one of the most important but often overlooked aspects of the interview process - the case interview, and even non-standard case interview questions. What is a Case Interview? If there’s one question on the mind of every…