Month: September 2013

NERA Economic Consulting

Interviewing with NERA Economic Consulting? Well, NERA is no MBB. In fact, if you look at a list of top 20 consulting firms, NERA won't be on it. That being said, NERA is still a major player in the consulting industry and here's why: NERA Economic Consulting is one of the top economic consulting firms. Let's…

West Coast Mini-Tour – Berkeley, Bootcamps and Ice Cream Sandwiches

The West Coast is the Best Coast - I thought that was ridiculous. Until I moved to California. Yes, we busted our a#$es visiting Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke and Georgia Tech (click the links for highlights). The East Coast schools are organized - all competing with one another, all beating to the same drum. West Coast?…

Tour Recap – Day 7 (New York Consulting Bootcamp) the final day, the crowning achievement, of our 2013 8-day East Coast (we counted our final travel day too). If you're just joining us, check out Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke and Georgia Tech's highlights. **** To check out a video with in-person testimonies, make sure to read on to the end of the…

Tour Recap – Day 6 (Harvard)

Welcome back to Tour Throwback Week. We hustled up and down the U.S. East Coast, visiting Georgia Tech, Duke, Georgetown, and Columbia, Yale, and Harvard. Check out our adventures and misadventures before reading today's post. If you want a small group setting to accelerate your case interview performance (like, 0-60 in a day) join us next weekend in San Francisco -…

Tour Recap – Day 5 (Yale)

Welcome back to Tour Throwback Week. We're recapping our lives as road warriors via planes, trains and automobiles...we visited Georgia Tech, Duke, Georgetown, and Columbia before rolling over to today's campus...Yale. If you missed us, we are generally funny. Go back through our previous posts and laugh with us. If you are convinced that -…

Tour Recap – Day 4 (Columbia)

We're on a Tour Throwback trip...welcome to Part 4. If you missed our recaps of Georgia Tech, Duke, or Georgetown, read those first. If you are just joining us, we are holding our next 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp in San Francisco on September 21. Or, invite us to come present a 2-hour Bootcamp Lite (60 attendees minimum, lecture) or 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp (8-30…

Tour Recap – Day 3 (Georgetown)

This is Part 3 of a 7-part throwback series on our East Coast Tour. Go back to Part 1 or Part 2 here... In case you're new to the site, we are holding our next 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp in San Francisco on September 21. Or, invite us to come present a 2-hour Bootcamp Lite (60 attendees minimum, lecture) or 8-hour Consulting Bootcamp (8-30…

Tour Recap – Day 2 (Duke)

This is Day 2 of our East Coast Tour Recap...for Part 1, go here. Otherwise, read on. After a Tuesday morning full of client calls and edits, we rocked the rental car again and – with the exception of a stop at Chick-Fil-A – one of the only chain restaurants that consistently rises above our…

Tour Recap – Day 1 (Georgia Tech)

And…we’re back. Not back in the saddle – we never left (and we never do!). But back from the East Coast – where we just completed an invigorating, hilarious, exhausting 8-day tour of some of the most beautiful and smarty-pants campuses around. A huge shout-out to all 500+ of you who met up with us…