Month: December 2013

Business Book Review: Lords of Strategy

We're starting a series of guest posts offered by staff, readers and interns that are reviews of books we think are helpful for those interested in consulting (specifically) and business (in general). This week's post is on Lords of Strategy - written by Walter Kiechel III, a journalist for 30 years, serving as an editor…

Final 2013 West Coast Adventures: Bain, Berkeley, and Stanford

We've been busy. After spending the last 5 months traveling to top colleges across the planet (Canada, U.K., and the East Coast - Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke and Georgia Tech), we decided to end our year off with one last trip to the Bay Area. This time we visited the Bain office in San Francisco, held 2 bootcamps at Stanford, and 1 bootcamp…

Capgemini Consulting Interviews – Tech, Business or Both?

Today we continue our firm profile series with an in-depth review of Capgemini Consulting. Founded in Paris, and containing the spliced DNA of other major firms it acquired along the way (Ernst & Young Consulting being the most notable), Capgemini Consulting is a global player in today's consulting industry. Firm Profile Overview (click to jump…

2013 Canada Tour Recap – Ph.D.s, Snow and Vintage Chocolate

If this is your first time joining us, we've spent the last 5 months traveling to top colleges across the planet - check out news from our latest gallivants to the U.K., the Bay Area, and East Coast (Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, Duke and Georgia Tech). **** Our trip started off with a sparse few hours of sleep on two red-eye flights…

Undergrad Bootcamper Breaks into McKinsey

We first met Rachel in September; she was nice and very unassuming. When we got her 1:1 in our New York Bootcamp, however, we were impressed with her experience, her depth of business understanding and her very solid motivations for her passion about consulting. This is a transcribed phone interview between Rachel (name changed) and…