Month: January 2015

Why I Never Wanted to Go Into Business: Confessions of a Bain Consultant

This month, we're kicking off a 12-part series for 2015. We're calling it the "transparency" series, and it's authored by none other than MC's Managing Director, Jenny Rae Le Roux. MC grew from 50 to 50,000 to 1.5M readers in a really short period of time. Why? We didn't do any fancy Google SEO ninja…

An Ex-Consultant’s Jump into the Start Up World

Dennis is an ex- Altman Vilandrie (now Altman Solon) consultant who made a jump from consulting into the tech start-up scene. He co-founded MobileSuites, an app that puts travel concierge services and hotel information at your fingertips, and which you can (and should) find and sign-up for here. Jenny Rae interviewed him to hear about his…

Kearney Interviews & Culture

Kearney - formerly known as A.T. Kearney - was the original split from McKinsey & Company, and comes with a storied and impressive history. Now known to be THE best sourcing, procurement, and operations consulting firm in the world, Kearney is impressive on multiple fronts. However, the firm's acquisition and re-independence in the last 20…

Business Book Review: The Starbucks Experience

This week’s post is on The Starbucks Experience - written by Joseph A. Michelli (2006), the founder of Lessons for Success, a training, consulting, and keynote presentation company. He also hosts an award-winning daily radio show on KVOR-AM in Colorado and speaks to various organizations throughout the world. Our guest writer is Brandon, an MC intern…

2015 Management Consulting Salaries – Undergraduate, MBA, Interns and More

UPDATE: 2018 SALARIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE. TO VIEW THE NEW, UPDATED FIGURES, CLICK HERE for 2018 salaries Welcome to our Consulting Salary post - the kickoff to 2015! As you've been busy popping bottles of champagne, watching the ball drop while fireworks shoot up in the background, or just flat-out ambitiously working through the New…