Month: July 2016

Thinking Like a Consultant: Paralysis by Analysis

It was 5:45am on a Wednesday in June this year. I had a flight out, but it wasn’t the one I should have been on. I had a chance the day before to go big and love someone extravagantly, but I didn't finish strong. I exhibited the one dark downside of thinking like a consultant: paralysis by…

Book Review: Michael Porter On Competition

it's time for another book review! This time, our intern and ex-Deloitte dreamboat Preeti read Michael Porter's book On Competition and took the time to let you know how she felt about it. WHY READ IT? Michael Porter is an industry heavyweight who's won over 50 various awards; he has been recognized by several governments, large conglomerates…

Profitability: Case Interview Framework

Welcome to our series on using case interview frameworks to break down consulting case interviews. Today, we're looking at the profitability case interview framework, which is probably the most important. *In case you missed it - in our first article, we provided an overview of frameworks and how you can use them to solve any…

Breaking into McKinsey: PhD

If you are an Advanced Degree candidate in one of 7 categories, you should apply at McKinsey for a full-time position: PhDs Postdocs Non-MBA Master's Medical students Interns Residents Fellows For most aspiring consultants, McKinsey is the gold standard. The mecca. The ultimate prize. Okay, okay, we know you get it. But the problem with…

Bates White Interviews and Culture

Get ready for some fresh info as we talk about a firm that specializes in econometrics, statistics, antitrust, and specifically advanced econometric modelling. Bates White Economic Consulting is a highly reputable boutique firm that has been gathering momentum in recent years. If you are one of those econ fanatics (ahem: nerds) who dig economics, statistics, and antitrust…