Month: October 2016

The Top 8 Undergrad Consulting Majors

As consulting has become more popular (frantically so), we receive dozens of emails per month from undergrads - and even high schoolers - asking us what they should major in and which majors are deal-breakers if they want to break into consulting. Understanding the majors that are the top feeders into consulting can help you…

Job Hub: Culture and Jobs at Google

Today, we highlight tremendous business analyst and post-consulting leadership jobs at Google. Google is a California-based company that many consider to already run the world! With over 70 offices and 30,000 employees around the world, Google has become THE major player in Internet products and services in only 15 years. Enjoy! ------------ History & Culture Founded…

BTS Group Interviews and Culture

30 years old and long a mainstay in European consulting, BTS Group has been steadily growing since its inception in 1986. A strategy execution and implementation firm based in Sweden, today the firm counts 59 of the U.S. Fortune 500 and over 30 of the Global Fortune 100 among its clientele. BTS Group specializes in…

People Over Profit Book Review

Our awesome intern Nate is here to bring you his unbiased review of a very unique book: People over Profit, authored by Dale Partridge. Want to find out what it means to put people over profit? You may already know it, but might not know what's behind it - so enjoy the write-up! ****** WHY READ…

Cornerstone Research

  Cornerstone Research may just be the most interesting consulting firm you've never heard of. Specializing in economic, financial and market analysis, specifically for cases in litigation, Cornerstone Research touts itself as the one player major law firms turn to when navigating the obstacle course that is the American and European legal systems. For more…