Month: April 2017

Consulting Resume Review – Jenny Rae and Chris

Interested in seeing how a MC resume review works? Looking for tips on how to transition well into consulting? Meet Chris, a lawyer interested in breaking into consulting. Pay careful attention to how Jenny Rae tweaks his resume and gives him invaluable advice for his next steps. Have questions of your own? Reach out to…

Lisa Bright shares about her McKinsey Career

We have a special treat for you, as our very own interview coach Lisa Bright joins us to share about her McKinsey career. Glean from Lisa's experience as she shares how she broke into The Firm from a non-target school in Ohio, the nature of her projects while at McKinsey, and how she decided to…

3 Ways Management Consulting Applications Differ from Traditional Ones

If you've been around the management consulting industry for any amount of time at all, you know how different of a beast it really is to conquer than nearly any other industry. That's not to say it's not worth it: we happen to believe that consulting is right for almost anyone, and the cross-functional experience…

Top Consulting Firms Middle East

The 10 Top Consulting Firms in the Middle East might surprise you! For the purposes of this article, we're defining the Middle East as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and the Sultanate of Oman. This unique and culturally rich region provides some excellent consulting opportunities, and world-class companies are increasing…