Month: February 2018

An Ex-North Highland London Consultant Dishes On His Time At The Firm

Although it's been around for 25+ years, not much is known about Atlanta-based North Highland in the broader community following the industry. After publishing our North Highland firm profile last week, we have a special treat for you today. Our guest writer was a consultant at North Highland's London office, and currently consults at a…

North Highland Consulting

  According to North Highland legend, Dave Peterson founded the firm in 1992 after realizing that his priorities had shifted. He came home one day from an engagement with extensive travel and his two-year old asked, “Mom, does Daddy still live here?” That was in 1991. Within a year, Dave had 2 co-founders ready to…

Spinning Your Story: How To Break Into Consulting With A Non-Consulting Internship

You’re already over halfway through college and just found out management consulting is your dream career. You think of all the people you know who have been planning their path for breaking into consulting since they were 12 years old, and wonder if your resume will stand a chance in the interview pile. You are…

5 Questions To Ask When Deciding Between Consulting Offers

It's that time of year again. February: the month of the sell weekend. Many of you are in the fortunate position of having received multiple incredible offers, but how do you decide which firm is the right fit for you? Lately, we've been reflecting on our own decision process, and thought of 5 questions we…