Month: March 2018

Novantas – Financial Consultants

    Today, we take a look at the industry leader in advisory services for financial institutions. For the last 15 years, Novantas has worked with 80% of the world’s largest global banks, payment networks, wealth managers, and other financial institutions. Novantas operates in North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America, providing information, analyses, and…

How Consulting Firms Bill Clients

More and more, we've noticed an increasing fascination around the internal mechanics of consulting firms. Lately, we've received questions about how Partners sell projects, and how consulting firms bill clients. Today, we're diving into the latter. Looking for more insider information about consulting? Start with a Power Half Hour today. We'll help you develop a…

GfK Custom Research

    GFK MARKET RESEARCH (GFK SE) At the pivotal crossroads of rapidly advancing technology and business strategies to reach consumer-driven markets, we find GfK Market Research digital engineers and consultants. GfK Market Research advises global businesses using data and science to build world-class research powered by technology. They retrieve data, deliver knowledge, and ignite…

7 Strategies for Securing an Internal Transfer Within a Consulting firm

We get dozens of inquiries every year about how feasible it is to get an internal transfer to a different office. During the recruiting process, what if your first choice office is London, but you receive an opportunity to take an offer in Dubai? Will you be able to move to the London office down…

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Transitioning From Consulting to Tech

Recently, we've been focusing on tech consulting - specifically, the differences between tech consulting and strategy consulting, and how you can position yourself to transition from tech consulting to a strategy role. Today, we're flipping the conversation on its head - one of the most common (and lucrative) exit opportunities for consultants is into the…