Month: May 2018

Consulting Bible – Step 3. Name names

Create a list of 60+ contacts   We’re on the second part of the 20-2-1 building a list of 60+ names with contact info for the 2 professionals and 1 recruiter at each of your 20 firms   It’s time to name names, as they say.   Don’t contact them yet - that’s for step…

Consulting Bible – 5 Keys To Networking Success

If networking were simple, we wouldn’t need to write an 88-page guide on how to do it well! There are 5 keys to networking success in management consulting They’re all pretty basic, but it’s jaw-dropping how many of you stray from the path when you’re out there on your own. You’ve got to stay focused…

Consulting Bible – Preface

You’ve probably heard one-liners like, ‘Networking is really important” and “It’s all about who you know” when sage advisors are proffering wisdom on how to get a job in today’s economy. Haven’t you ever wondered exactly what that looks like - especially when you might not be a natural networker, or might not know someone…

Consulting Bible Table of Contents

Preface Why The Consulting Bible? What’s New in the 3rd Edition   How To Get The Most Out of This Guide   Interview Process and Expectations General Interview Tips Interview Styles Interview Practice Plan   PST What is it? 8 Keys for PST Success Ultimate PST Prep Plan   Fit and Experiential Interview Questions Introduction…

Consulting Bible – Get The Most

If you’re the type who likes to get right to the point, you’ll appreciate this section. If you don’t plan to read all 300+ pages of this book, here are the parts we recommend to read and in what order:   Scan through the fit questions and suggested answers. This will give you a sense…

Consulting Bible – Fit and Experiential Interview

Bad Response: “I have been told that I’m a really likable person. If I’m ever on a flight, I love striking up a conversation with the person sitting next to me, for instance. I always end up learning so much about their life and their experiences - and it’s so interesting! I just make friends…

Introducing CareerWaze

Career Waze - Letting AI Direct Your Learning AI and tech are taking over every industry. In today’s day and age, a baseline knowledge of AI advances and technical skills are necessary tools in the consulting toolbelt. As a consultant, you’ll be an “expert for a day,” going into unfamiliar industries, quickly learning the ins…

2018 ExperienceBain TECH

Does the intersection of tech and business strategy excite you? Does harnessing the effect of tech innovation on business get you out of bed in the morning? Then Bain is calling you - provided you are a 1st year MBA at one of the below MBA programs - to apply for this year's ExperienceBain TECH…