Month: July 2019

Recap: Week of July 7, 2019

  Financial Terms 101 Financial terms are thrown around in the consulting industry as much as the Kardashians post to instagram. (Let's just say, it's a lot!) Make sure and understand these different terms so you're in the know! [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Terms"]     MBB MBB firms are tops in the consulting industry.…

MECE Case Framework Example

MECE case framework example is great for understanding how to be MECE during your case interview. You must be able to structure your case in a way that demonstrates to your interviewer than you understand how to be mutual exclusive and collectively exhaustive. If not, it's unlikely that you'll get a consulting offer. Listen to…

McKinsey Digital Assessment

The McKinsey Digital Assessment (MDA) is a game that assesses your ability to solve business problems using technology, and is a part of McKinsey's screening process before you are invited to interview with the firm. The MDA is designed to replace the PST, which was a more traditional GMAT-style test. However, unlike the PST, which…

MBB Firms

While MBB means men’s basketball to many avid sports fans, those in the consulting world know the acronym also stands for the holy grail of consulting firms: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, and Bain. The MBB consulting firms are ranked at the top of the industry for brand prestige and attract hundreds of thousands of applicants…

Financial Terms Guide

Though you’re not expected to be a master of finance when you join a consulting firm, you will be quickly exposed to financial terms on the job. After all, at the end of the day, a business exists to maximize profits. In order to help clients reach their goals, consultants need to be able to…

Recap: Week of 6/30/19

  Questions To Ask At The End Of An Interview Interviewers pay attention to what questions you ask at the end of an interview. Find out what questions are best to ask and why! [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Questions"]   Consulting Interview: 4 Types Of Consultant Fit Interview Questions Inside information on the case interview,…

Consulting Firms 101

Consulting firms 101, or consulting firms basics, is something you must understand if you're preparing to go into consulting. Understanding the differences between the Top 3 firms, MBB firms, and the Big 4 accounting firms, versus the tier 2 boutique firms, is absolutely essential to get off on the right foot. Listen to Jenny Rae…

Consulting Interview: 4 Types of Consultant Fit Interview Questions

Though the case interview is the most important aspect of management consulting recruiting, don't overlook the consulting fit interview. This is how consulting firms assess how you'll interact with a Fortune 500 CEO client. After all, firms do not hire the best case interview performers; they hire those who also hit a certain case interview…