Month: August 2019

The Pyramid Principle Explained

If you've been around consulting for any amount of time, you've heard of The Pyramid Principle®, developed and popularized by Barbara Minto. In fact, we wrote a whole article on it. But, as always, there's a deeper level to explore when it comes to the Pyramid Principle framework. Follow along as Jenny Rae follows up…

Deloitte Intern Tips

Have you just received an offer to become a Deloitte intern? Congratulations! However, the real hard work begins now. Big consulting firms like Deloitte utilize summer internships as a method to select the students who fit within their culture and have the qualities that will make them successful future consultants. It may sound daunting but…

The Ladder Of Inference

Any prospective management consultant should be interested in understanding how people reason, identify opportunities, draw conclusions, and make decisions. In the medium to long term, having a framework or mental model for thinking about these topics will help you be a more effective consultant, employee, manager, or business owner. In the near term, it might…

Networking 101

Networking 101- how to network for management consulting jobs is extremely important in actually landing an offer. You could be the next Jack Welch, but if you don't know how to network, you won't make it very far. Networking allows you to get in front of decision makers and show your acumen. Listen to Jenny…

Cover Letter Tips

The cover letter is often overshadowed by the resume. While it will never be more important than the resume, a good cover letter is still an important component of the recruiting process. A great cover letter won’t necessarily get you the interview, but a poor one with tons of errors will definitely cost you. As…

Recap: Week of August 4, 2019

Deloitte Online Assessment Deloitte has joined the ranks of MBB firms in adding a digital component to their case interview process. Take a look at the article to understand what to expect from a Deloitte case interview. [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Assessment"]   Net Present Value Heading into your consulting career, there are financial terms…

Case Interview Frameworks: Overview

Case interview frameworks are a substantial component of preparing for the case interview. The goal isn't to memorize frameworks, but to use them as a launching pad to creating your own. Gain a really solid understanding of the main case interview frameworks you need to know as you prepare. Listen to the video above, or…

Net Present Value

Net present value (NPV) is a concept that allows you to calculate the value of future cash flows at the present time. Finding this value is pretty straight forward using the Net Present Value formula. It's possible to figure out Net Present Value using Excel, but there are also online calculators that make it even…

Deloitte Online Assessment

The Deloitte Online Assessment is one of the many examples of the growing importance of online exams in the consulting recruiting process. Given widespread access to the internet and computers, many firms are adding digital tests to weed out candidates and save time in the screening process. In addition, these digital assessments allow firms like…

Recap: Week of July 28, 2019

  Case Interview Frameworks: Ultimate Guide Market sizing, mergers & acquisitions, and all the other frameworks used for case interviews, explained all in one place! You'll definitely want to check them out! [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Frameworks"]   How To Prepare For GMAT GMAT could be a great option if you're looking to get your…