Month: September 2019

Business Writing: Definition, Tips, & Examples

If you write emails, create reports, produce memorandums, or anything similar at work, that means excelling at business writing is an important skill to have. The problem is that business writing isn’t really taught well or equally during university or even at many companies. As a result, a vast majority of employees learn through trial…

Articles Recap: Week of September 8, 2019

Driver Trees A Driver Tree is a framework that makes complex problems more manageable. Check out the article and see how to use Driver Trees. [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Framework"]   Case Interview Video Conference - Top Tips Case interviews over video conference have some interesting differences. See here how to capitalize on those differences…

What is a Consulting Resume?

If you are preparing to go into consulting, your resume must be tailored toward how consulting firms expect them. But what is a consulting resume? What are firms looking for? How do you convey to them who you are in a way they they want to see it? Firms receive so many resumes, your resume…

Consulting vs Internal Strategy

Consulting vs Internal Strategy has some distinctive differences. In your consulting career, do you want to be home with family more, or be jet-setting all the time? How much variety do you prefer? What kind of training and professional development do you want? The answer to these questions could be significant to your career path,…

5 Reasons to get the Amex Gold Card

The competition is real! The credit card industry is always trying to one-up itself, and this is good news for you. Welcome bonuses and perks continue to improve on a monthly basis. With new and improved features and a huge limited time welcome offer, the American Express® Gold Card has grabbed our attention. Here's why…

MBB: McKinsey, BCG, Bain – Are They Really the Best?

If you have been looking into consulting as a career possibility, you’ve probably heard of “MBB” - McKinsey, Bain, and BCG. These three firms are the holy trinity of consulting firms and are the companies that thousands of candidates vie for. But what exactly makes them the best? In this article, we’ll be going over…

Maximizing Chase Sapphire Reserve Travel Benefits

Today, we're diving right into the first 5 things to do when you are approved for the Chase Sapphire Reserve to ensure that you maximize your Chase Sapphire Reserve travel benefits. Hopefully, you have applied and already been approved - with your card in the mail headed your way. We put together a to-do list…

Case Interview Video Conference – Top Tips

Technological advancements (and COVID-19) have touched every aspect of modern business, and consulting recruiting is no exception. To consulting firms, face-to-face interviews are always the best way to make a final decision on a candidate. However, in first rounds, there is a growing trend in consulting of giving one or two case interviews via video…

Driver Tree: What Is It?

The driver tree is one of the oldest frameworks for business thinking. The tool’s roots trace back to the 1920s, when DuPont used the driver tree to define Return on Investment (ROI) as a function of profitability, financial leverage, and asset turnover. Sound confusing? Don’t worry about the fancy finance lingo - that’s not what’s…

Article Recap: Week of September 1, 2019

Mental Models Mental Models play into just about every situation. They also help to make sense of why you make the decisions you do. Check out this super interesting and enlightening article! [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Article"]   Investment Banking: My Journey from Deloitte Consulting Deloitte is one of the top accounting firms to work…