Month: October 2019

McKinsey Consulting: 1 Star Glassdoor Reviews

McKinsey Glassdoor reviews can be insightful and harsh at the same time. Most of all, though, they're just plain funny. Does McKinsey have its flaws? Absolutely. Do these 1 star McKinsey Glassdoor reviews hold merit though? Hear our take, and then decide for yourself if some of these McKinsey Glassdoor reviews hold kernels of truth…

Investment Banking Analyst: A Day in the Life vs. Consulting

Investment banking is an industry infamous for its notoriously long hours. When I was looking into how to become an investment banker, I first asked, "What is investment banking?" Then, I remember asking - “Why on Earth do investment banking analysts need to be in the office for so long?” It all came down to…

Case Interview Prep Process

The case interview prep process can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Frameworks? Walkthroughs? Do you jump straight into paid coaching? With so many questions, options, and perspectives, how do you start off the right foot? Approach the case interview prep process correctly, and you can cut out up to half of the necessary time…

Break Even Analysis

All companies have the goal of being profitable, but before they can get there, the first step is to break even. Once a company is able to reach a point where they aren’t losing money, they can then ideally scale up and experience exponential growth. There are many ways to run break even analysis, the…

Negotiating A Job Offer: What Consultants Can and Can’t Do

Negotiating a job offer is always a tricky task. You don’t want to ask for too much and ruin your reputation before Day 1. Yet, at the same time, you don’t want to be compensated less than what you are worth. If you find yourself in a position to negotiate a consulting offer, there are…

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Problem solving and decision making are important for every consultant, business, and person in the world. After all, in the end, aren’t all entities and individuals just a sum of their choices? We’ll spare you the philosophical lecture, but we do want to provide some insight on why problem solving and decision making in the…

Big 4 Accounting Firms Salary: Which Pays Most?

The Big 4 accounting firms are titans of the professional services industry. They employ thousands of employees around the world across practice areas including consulting, audit, tax, and more. That all is well known, but what is a Big 4 accounting firm's salary like? Let’s face it - a big reason we want the best…

Articles Recap: Week of September 29, 2019

Deloitte Case Interview Everything you need to know about the Deloitte case interview. The different consulting groups that exist at Deloitte, the recruiting process, and one-on-one plus group case interviews information! [cta_button button_link="" button_text="See The Article"]   Superday Learn what Superday is, unique aspects of a Superday interview, and nuances of being interviewed at at…

Fit Interview Prep

Fit interviews are extremely important in the consulting interview process. In fact, they make up more than 50% of the final determination on whether a firm will extend an offer to you. Watch Jenny Rae break down the 3 categories of fit interview prep questions and how to prepare for each one. Fit Interview Prep…

Accenture Case Interview

In an Accenture case interview, you will be expected to create a MECE framework, develop hypotheses on root causes driving the problem statement, test the hypotheses in a structured way, and communicate your ideas clearly. The Accenture interview is similar to case interviews at other management consulting firms. However, unlike a firm like BCG, topics…