Month: December 2019

How To Land An Accenture Offer

If you know anything about consulting, you have probably heard of a firm called Accenture. The company is the largest consulting firm in the world, employing over 425,000 people across 120 countries. It should be no surprise that Accenture offers a world class experience and are some of the most sought after jobs in the…

Will WeWork’s Business Model Ever Work?

WeWork's troubles go beyond poor leadership - its entire business model should be called into question. Can the company turn it around and become profitable? Maybe, but to answer this question one has to understand what kind of business WeWork is actually in (hint: it may not be what you expect). Ex-Bain consultant Jenny Rae…

Management Consulting: What is it?

Management consulting is one of the most sought-after fields in the business world. On the surface, the industry sounds glamorous – lots of air travel, working on complex business problems, and exposure to top level management. While all these truly are great components of management consulting, the reality is that the industry is not for…

McKinsey Jobs: New Hire Advice

So you aced the behaviorals and case interviews and are now starting your new gig working at McKinsey - congratulations! You just landed what many consider to be a dream job. Yet, as I’m sure you know, the real work is just getting started. Here are our Top 5 tips and new hire advice as…

Business Valuation Methods

You don’t need to be a financial modeling expert to be a great consultant. Yet, it’s still helpful to know the basic ways to value a business. After all, your goal is to increase the value of a business through your projects. Having some knowledge about the most common business valuation methods is useful. They…

Is Uber’s Business Model Viable?

  Listen on Strategy Simplified Uber was the largest IPO of 2019. One of the world's most famous "unicorn" companies, its stock price has dropped 20% since its IPO.  Why aren't more folks asking the question, "Is There A Future For Uber?" Is Uber's business model viable for sustained profitability and growth? Our answer may…

Look Over My Shoulder: Review

If you’ve done some research on consulting case practice resources, you have likely come across Victor Cheng’s Look Over My Shoulder (LOMS). The resource is a podcast that used by many aspiring consultants. Victor Cheng is a former McKinsey consultant who discusses best practices for case interviews while interviewing candidates in the Look Over My…

How to Get an Expedited Passport

Getting an expedited passport or renewal is no joke, especially if you are a U.S. citizen. Like most consultants, we’ve had one international trip that just snuck up on us - it’s no fun finding out three days before your flight that your passport is expired (or about to expire!). Making things even more hectic,…

Break Into Consulting: Non-MBA Masters

The best known way to break into consulting is through an undergraduate or MBA degree. However, that is by no means the only path. These days, consulting firms are much more amenable to hiring candidates from outside these two traditional paths. Today, we're going over how you can break into consulting with a non-MBA Masters…

Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict resolution skills can turn a good consultant into a great one. You might think the keys to becoming a successful consultant are analytical horsepower, project management capabilities, or strong business acumen. Those skills are essential. You want and need those. But you may be surprised to realize that conflict resolution skills are also very…