Month: January 2020

What Is A Hypothesis

Case interviews are often challenging because they are open-ended, with limitless possibilities of where you can go. There is some truth to this predicament – there is always more than just one way to crack a case. However, there are also ways to follow a system for every case you encounter that leads to fruitful…

Consulting Firms View of Online MBAs

Online MBAs are gaining popularity because of their convenience, yet there are some significant drawbacks for those of you planning on leveraging an Online MBA to break into consulting. In the eyes of consulting firms, all MBAs are not created equal. Firms don't just evaluate candidates based on the pedigree of their programs, but also…

Is An MBA Worth Getting?

Is an MBA is worth getting? Do you need an MBA for consulting? These are questions every prospective MBA (especially one reading our content!) should be asking. The good news is that you're not alone! It's a common question we get here at Management Consulted, and an important one to answer. Doing your due diligence…

Best Business Schools in the U.S.

MBA degrees are expensive. Yet for a degree from a top program, they are well worth the cost in the long run due to increased earning potential and the power of a lifetime network. To that end, we’ve created a list of the best business schools in the U.S. This is an overall ranking -…

Accenture Strategy & Accenture Technology: 3 Key Differences

Accenture Strategy and Accenture Technology - what’s the difference? Many know Accenture as one of the top consulting firms in the world, especially in the field of technology consulting. The firm employs more people than any other single global employer, counting over 477,000 professionals in its ranks in 2019. When dealing with such a massive…

Best Consulting Firms For MBA Consultant Salary

It's no secret that the MBA consultant salary continues to skyrocket. Banking and tech are the only other sectors providing any kind of competition to consulting salaries. So if current (and future) comp is the most important factor in your decision between consulting firms or industries, you probably want to know the best 10 consulting…

Big 4 Audit Clients

Big 4 audit clients are what arguably make the largest audit companies in the world worth working for. These companies, as you may already know, are Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, and KPMG. A staggering 100% of the Fortune 500 are audited by one of the Big 4 accounting firms. Talk about market domination! Each…

Consulting Firms View of EMBAs

Executive MBAs or "EMBAs", are an attractive choice for mid-career professionals. But what do consulting firms think of EMBAs? Are they a viable path to break into consulting? Jenny Rae, ex-Bain consultant, shares her own experience of pursuing a mid-career MBA - and why she ultimately chose the full-time program at Columbia Business School. She…

ABC Analysis

ABC Analysis is a categorization technique that places different levels of significance on a range of items to help you prioritize effectively. The analysis states that according to their respective levels, these items should be handled or controlled differently. ABC Analysis is known as a way to best analyze and manage inventory. Yet, the items…

MBA Salaries: How Much Do Consultants With An MBA Make?

It's the question everyone is secretly asking: how much will I make as a consultant with an MBA? And what are the salary differences by consulting firm? There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding if consulting is the right career choice. If you're honest, the Consultant Salary is probably one of your…