Month: June 2020

Economic Consulting Case Interview Questions

Economic consulting case interview questions are likely to be some of the most difficult hurdles to clear in your quest to become an economic consultant. The case interview questions for management consulting—economic consulting’s slightly more popular cousin—are much more well documented. But there is a relative scarcity of resources to help with the economic consulting…

McKinsey Frameworks

The McKinsey frameworks have been used for decades to help organizations break down problems and make informed decisions about their future. In fact, the frameworks McKinsey helps its clients utilize have made the firm synonymous with “best of the best”. It’s the most prestigious consulting firm in the world for a reason. Maybe your organization…

Case Coaching McKinsey, Bain, & BCG

Case coaching for your McKinsey interview, Bain interview, or Boston Consulting Group interview will be one of the most important parts of your interview preparation process. It’s no exaggeration to say that this will play a bigger role in whether you get hired than your resume and GPA, although those need to be top notch…

Creative Destruction

Creative destruction is a concept used for explaining change in market dynamics characterized by new products, services, and techniques displacing or replacing old ones. In the wake of globalization and the digital revolution, the modern economy has been defined by an unprecedented pace of change and innovation. Indeed, whole markets and industries shift so rapidly…

Utilizing SWOT In A Business Case

Analyzing businesses is a crucial skill for all businesspeople. This is true whether you are a business owner, an executive, an external consultant, or even an investor. Due to the complexity and ambiguity of analyzing businesses, professionals have created frameworks to simplify the process. The SWOT analysis is one great example. This framework creates a…

Practice Case Interviews: How To Prepare The Right Way

Practicing case interviews is arguably the most important part of successfully preparing for a management consultant interview. At the top consulting firms, competition is fierce. Watching videos and reading books can be helpful, but at the end of the day, it’s out-loud practice that sets apart successful and unsuccessful candidates. The crucial difference-maker is almost…

Booz Allen Hamilton Resume Overview

Booz Allen Hamilton, headquartered in the greater Washington DC area, is known for its public sector work and increasing penetration into the commercial market (specifically in tech integration and cybersecurity). A Booz Allen Hamilton resume must succinctly and quantifiably identify what you have to offer this particular consulting firm. It may be tempting to use…

Upward Feedback: What Is It & Examples

Asking for feedback from your team or boss is hard. You open yourself up to criticism and put yourself in a vulnerable position in the workplace. However, it’s arguably even more difficult to provide authentic upward feedback to your superiors. After all, these are the people who are in charge of your promotions and raises.…

Harley-Davidson: Riding Into The Sunset?

Listen on Strategy Simplified Harley-Davidson is one of the most iconic brands in American history, holding a hallowed place in American culture and cinema. Can you picture it? The open road in front of you, wind-swept hair, and a black leather studded jacket that exudes the "bad-ass" persona. Yes, Harley has dominated the motorcycle landscape…

PwC Careers

PwC careers are a great entry point into the world of consulting. In fact, many pursue PwC careers to leave PwC! Huh? Yes, PwC employees are usually not “lifers” and candidates join PwC to prepare them for something else they want to do long-term. Adding PwC to your resume is a huge asset because of…