Month: July 2020

BCG Consultant Salary

The BCG Consultant Salary is one of the primary reasons to consider applying for a position at the Boston Consulting Group. Sure, you’ll learn a lot at BCG and have a prestigious name attached to your resume. But you will also make a lot of money. Of course, the BCG salary range isn’t just dictated…

High Performing Teams

High Performing teams make faster and better decisions than their counterparts, keep a focus on what is most important, hold each other accountable, and knock it out of the park when it comes to achieving goals and seeing results. Big players have started to understand the importance of team dynamics. After the financials, the next…

McKinsey Alumni

If you’re going into a consulting career, McKinsey & Company is likely one of the first places you’re looking into. And why not? McKinsey is considered to be the most prestigious consulting firm in the world. And while it may seem backward, it is prudent to begin with the end in mind when it comes…

Cost Benefit Analysis

In today’s global business climate, every decision affects the trajectory of success. Whether it be purchasing buildings, adding personnel, or expanding a product line, each decision contains an opportunity cost and plays a part in determining your net income (or lack thereof). One of the most necessary tools for business owners and consultants to use…

Effective Meeting Strategies

Meetings, meetings, meetings. Sometimes it seems like the world is run on meetings – and it kind of is. But not all managers run effective meetings. Harvard Business Review says the average executive spends about 23 hours a week in meetings. Needless to say, 23 hours is a lot of valuable time. If you’re not…

Types of Leadership: Position vs Influence

There are two types of leaders. We’ve all experienced both types at some point in our careers. There is the leader who solely relies on his or her position to lead but doesn’t know how to effect real change. Then there is the true leader who knows how to influence people, not relying on a…

MBB-Led Student Consulting Team for Your Company

Good help is hard to find. Name any business, non-profit, or start-up and you’ll find a myriad of strategy and growth-oriented issues (or opportunities, depending on your view). Companies would benefit from focused, strategic attention on these problem areas, but a lack of talented manpower is a barrier to forward progress. In an ideal world,…

Consulting Career Path: How to Make Partner

Making it to Partner at a consulting firm is like a foreign dream to many. The management consulting career path is full of challenges and tribulations, including demanding clients, head-scratching hard projects, and office politics. Management consulting firms often have an “up-or-out” culture, meaning that you are either promoted or asked to leave. This can…

BCG Careers

Aspiring consultants are perennially interested in BCG Careers. For decades, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has been one of the most successful and high-profile consulting firms in the world. Given its prestige, name recognition, and the sheer size & international reach of the company, it makes sense that so many talented people would be interested…

Toxic Leadership: 5 Things to Avoid as a Leader

If you’ve ever had a boss or manager that was self-centered, manipulative, or controlling, you know what it’s like to be under toxic leadership. In the #MeToo era, toxic leadership has never been as much of a societal focus as it is today. More and more, organizations recognize that toxic leaders lead to organizational decline…