Month: September 2020

Top 7 Business Frameworks

Frameworks play an important role in helping consultants and business leaders approach organizational problems from different angles. They provide structure that inform day-to-day operational decisions and strategy. They do this both on a micro and macro level. Business frameworks aid businesses in meeting goals and reaching objectives that lead to long-term success. To help you…

Virtual Case Interview

Doing a virtual case interview has become likely in the post Covid-19 world. They actually weren't uncommon before, for remote candidates, but now a lot of firms are doing case interviews virtually. There are marked differences to doing a case interview online, versus in person. With that in mind, there are some things you can…

What are Behavioral Interviews?

Behavioral interviews are a key component to the case interview. Yet, if you're just starting your interview prep journey, you might be even asking, "What are behavioral interviews?". Or, "How do you pass a behavioral interview?". Or maybe still, you're wondering, "What is the STAR method when interviewing?". All of these are fair questions, and…

Bain and Company Careers

Bain and Company careers can often be as short as two years, even for high performers. It’s common to start as an undergraduate new-hire and head to an MBA program two years later. But whether you stay for two years or twenty, it’s safe to say that jobs at Bain are some of the most…

Accenture Internship: 5 Tips to Land a Consulting Internship

The Accenture internship is a prized jewel in the internship landscape for business students and aspiring consultants. Past interns have raved about their Accenture internship experience. The Accenture Interview experience includes development & networking opportunities, stimulating challenges, and an impressive salary. The Accenture summer internship is highly competitive, so Accenture can afford to be very…

McKinsey Careers

McKinsey careers are in high demand in the booming management consulting field. It’s easy to see why. The company earns over $10B in annual revenue and is generally considered the premier consulting firm in the world. McKinsey works with some of the most powerful corporate clients on cutting-edge issues. Not only that, but McKinsey &…

Bain-Style Case Study: Lamp Market in Mexico

Listen on Strategy Simplified Former consultant Matt joins Jenny Rae for a Bain-style case walkthrough. He tackles a case piece-by-piece, so listen along to hear how he communicates his thought-patterns and drives to a recommendation. Finally, stick around to hear Jenny Rae give Matt actionable feedback on how he can take his performance to the…

Leadership Development: The Ultimate Consulting Soft Skill

Leadership Development is a big focus of organizations the world over, with Leadership Development programs and training garnering an annual investment of close to $14B each year. This is for good reason – leadership is the one “it” factor that can quickly transform a company. With so much money being spent on developing leadership skills,…

Taking A Gap Year

A gap year holds great potential and some drawbacks, depending on ones particular situation. Would it be a good idea for you? Do you have a wanderlust or dread the thought of jumping right into your career straight away after college? Or maybe you haven't built a lot of life experience, and want some stories…

Deloitte Conversational Interviews

Consulting firms are constantly looking for innovative ways to find and vet talent. One way this is being realized, is through more informal interviews. Specifically, Deloitte conversational interviews have taken some candidates by surprise. Imagine studying how to do a case interview, only to get to the interview and not have it be as you…