Month: November 2020

Boston Red Sox: The Business of Baseball

The Boston Red Sox are one of the most iconic teams in baseball. Yet, what about the business side of the game? What kind of business model do the Red Sox use to be profitable? What revenues does the team actually generate? And what does the future of the game, the future of baseball, and…

Bain Full Case Interview Example

Listening to Bain full case interview examples can help you prepare for your own case interview. In listening to or watching this case example, you might be like our candidate who listens often and thinks it's pretty straight forward. But then when they're the one in the hot seat, it's not as easy as they…

Matrix Management: Benefits, Challenges, & Examples

Today’s fast paced environment of digital disruption brings new challenges that necessitate updated systems to effectively facilitate growth. In a constantly evolving environment, workers need to be able to function in a structure that works for them. Enter: matrix management. Matrix management is an organizational structure that is highly beneficial for businesses looking to create…

How to Find a Mentor: Even Working from Home

Knowing how to find a mentor is even more valuable in the current professional landscape. Even under the best of circumstances, it can be challenging to find a mentor who will speak into your career growth. Times have changed and so has the workplace. More people than ever are working remotely or from home. The…

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is one of the most important things anyone in the business world can do as they prepare to start any new project. In business, as in life, no one is an island. You may have started your career thinking you’re purely out for yourself. However, as you continue to rise up within your…

Decision Making Models

Decision making models are a structured way for organizations or individuals to make decisions. A decision-making model is a framework that identifies the benefits and drawbacks of different options in order to help determine the best choice. It has been said that half of the decisions that managers make ultimately fail. That begs the question...…

Decision Making Process for Effective Decisions

We make what feels like a million little decisions each day. From the moment we get up and pour our first cup of coffee, we’re making decisions. There are obviously some decisions that require more strategy and contemplation than others, and business is riddled with complex decisions that have widespread implications. As a leader, you…

How to Leverage Social Capital

Social capital: what is it, and how can you leverage it? Social capital is like a savings account you build over time through relationships. This savings account yields powerful connections and strong networks. Learning how to build and leverage social capital is critical for your success as a leader in any organization. When built with…

Starting a Job Virtually

Covid-19 has changed a lot of things for a lot of people, and employment has definitely changed. Just a few months ago, it would be unheard of to never have a face to face meeting before you were hired. It's quite possible now! Starting a job virtually has some unique aspects that you'll want to…

How to Use LinkedIn to Network

LinkedIn has become one of the most widely used tools for connecting professionally – especially in our increasingly virtual world. If you find yourself looking to make a career move, knowing how to use LinkedIn to network is an invaluable skill. LinkedIn is the largest professional networking site in the world, with ~660M members in…