Month: December 2020

What is Cognitive Restructuring?

Do you find yourself stuck in your head, unable to be present, or trying to silence a critical internal voice reminding you of your flaws? If so, cognitive restructuring can prove to be an extremely useful tool to change your life. What is cognitive restructuring? It may sound complex, but simply put, it is a…

Gaps in Resume: How to Account for Gaps in Resume

When you’re applying for a job, you’re naturally trying to position yourself as the ideal candidate. And it probably seems like a long shot that any employer’s ideal candidate has significant gaps in their resume. Gaps in a resume typically indicate either one of two things. First, someone has spent time out of the workforce.…

How to Negotiate: Examples for Consulting

Much of the day-to-day work of being a consultant involves performing in situations that have clear goals and deliverables. You might not think of management consulting as involving much debate or negotiation, at least in comparison to a field like law. But the arc of one’s consulting career depends more on negotiation prowess than one…

Top Books On Management

Management is no joke. Great managers know that in order to excel, they must exhibit above par communication skills, demonstrate a thorough understanding of business concepts, and also know how to effectively manage people. Management isn't for everyone, that's for sure. Thankfully, there are plentiful resources that exist for the sole purpose of helping managers…

Best Business Masters Programs for Consulting

Non-MBA business masters programs are becoming more and more popular by the year. And at a macro-level, it makes sense. Whether you care more about opportunity cost or real cost, a specialized business masters program can offer a much cheaper path to an advanced business degree. There is no shortage of ranking lists out on…

Open Innovation: What Is It?

Open Innovation allows organizations to generate new ideas quickly and economically. Additionally, it allows them to not rely solely on their internal research and development teams. In today’s competitive marketplace, every organization must be consistently innovating, or risk falling behind its competitors. New ideas are the bread and butter of any organization, and without constantly…

Strategy Canvas: Charting a Company’s Future

The strategy canvas has become something of a go-to process to guide companies through the difficult and fraught process of strategic planning. Still, there are many companies and consultants who remain unfamiliar with the strategy canvas and the potential it offers for navigating the future. Used correctly, the strategy canvas can be a remarkably useful…

How to Overcome Procrastination

Cramming to finish important tasks at the last minute or moving deadlines back? You have likely entered the dangerous waters of procrastination. Knowing how to overcome procrastination is an extremely important trait possessed by highly effective leaders. If you find yourself falling into the procrastination trap, you’re not the only one. Most people struggle with…

Why Businesses Should Focus On The Top Line In Crisis

In a crisis, like what we're experiencing with Covid-19, should businesses focus on the "top-line", (gross sales), or the "bottom-line", (profit after expenses)? Each have their own pros and cons, with long-term repercussions from each decision. So which should businesses do in times of crisis in order to keep their organizations solvent and sustainable? Of…

Job Outlook for Consultants 2021

The management consulting job outlook for 2021 is something thousands of ambitious new graduates – and experienced industry hands - are looking forward to with anticipation and concern. The consulting job market has been improving steadily year over year for a decade, with each turn of the calendar bringing an expanding job market. This has…