Month: March 2021

What Is Perfectionism & How to Overcome It

Perfectionism might seem - if you’ve spent a lot of time working in competitive schools, industries, and organizations - like a good thing. And this makes sense given the public values in those kinds of spaces. Our culture exalts achievement to the point of valuing work more than leisure, and even health and wellness. We…

A Consultant Examines the American/JetBlue Partnership

American Airlines and JetBlue launched a route sharing partnership of more than 70 routes in late February, despite pushback from certain states and pilot groups. The code-sharing agreement allows the airlines to sell each other’s flights and share ticketing platforms, crews, planes, and terminals. Looking through the lens of a consultant, what can we learn…

Getting Passed Over for Promotion: Does Remote Work Make It More Likely?

Getting passed over for a promotion is something most people experience at some point. Of course, this is disappointing. But if you’re not careful, that disappointment can fester into resentment and insecurity. Better to transform the disappointment into motivation as you reorient to your long-term goals. That said, if you’re motivated by advancing within your…

Top 3 Things To Do As New Manager

The transition from a rank-and-file worker to a new manager can sometimes be tricky. Managers have more responsibilities and greater expectations. Thus, new managers are naturally filled with both excitement and anxiety. They have more authority to achieve personal and organizational goals, but they also must get their team’s buy-in for their vision. In this…

RSM Experiences Growth in 2020 Despite Pandemic

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, RSM revenue in 2020 grew 9.2% to $6.3B. RSM is a leading global provider of audit and tax services focused on the middle market. It has been increasingly focused on selling consulting services as well which contributed significantly to the RSM growth. And with a massive team of 48,000 people across…

McKinsey Names New CEO, Signaling Move Away from Pure Strategy

McKinsey’s new CEO (Global Managing Partner) is Bob Sternfels. Sternfels was McKinsey’s North America Operations Lead and most recently, the head of Client Capabilities (Analytics). Former CEO Kevin Sneader had lost the support of a significant portion of the partner base, primarily as a result of changes he had pushed aimed at keeping McKinsey free…

10 Tips to Land Your Dream Job – Free Download!

BCG Study Says Banks Must Adapt To Digital-First Model

Digital banking. It was a hot button topic for financial institutions even before the pandemic broke out. Now, as customers experience a fundamental shift away from physical services, a digital-first approach is more important than ever. According to a new BCG study, banks are reeling, but can conquer future challenges by focusing on the right…

The Effects of Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a demoralizing, controlling, rarely effective management method that wreaks havoc in many workplaces. While the intent behind micromanagement is often sincere, the resulting outcome leads to diminished productivity and employee morale. So, how can we learn the signs of micromanagement and how to prevent it? Let’s dive in. What Is Micromanagement? Micromanagement, in…

Vaccine Distribution Plan: A Lesson in Operations Management

Vaccine distribution promises to be the silver bullet that stops the spread of Covid and ends the pandemic. But the distribution of Covid vaccines is just one step in a complex supply chain. Packaging, transporting, storing, and administering vaccines all represent stages of the process that create headaches at scale. The development of Covid vaccines…