Month: February 2022

RACI Chart: Define Your Team Roles

The RACI chart is a project management tool designed to help teams avoid common pitfalls: Lack of clear roles and responsibilities Decision paralysis (too many people making the decision) Too much work falling on one or two team members This article will discuss what RACI charts are, how they can improve project success, and more.…

Deloitte Digital

Deloitte Digital has been a world-class digital agency for over 20 years. With a focus on integrated digital offerings to elevate the customer experience, it is poised to drive change in the ways consumers and companies interact in the new digital age. Deloitte Digital considers itself an “experience consultancy” that helps clients build customer-oriented organizations.…

Recruitment Strategy: Elements of Success & Template

In this day and age, a recruitment strategy is critical to the future of any business. But how do you begin to think about attracting talent, and how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? Let’s dive into what effective recruitment strategies look like. Recruitment And Retention Strategies Strong recruitment leads to strong retention. It…

LinkedIn Interview Questions

Landed an interview invite with the world’s largest professional networking site - LinkedIn? Then you’ve got to prepare for the tough LinkedIn interview questions. In this article, we’ll break down the LinkedIn interview process, share tips to prepare, and how to answer common interview questions. Let’s get started – and while you’re here, make sure…

Are consulting firms overvaluing MBA hires?

As our latest salary data shows, post-MBA base salaries at consulting firms continue to rise to unprecedented new heights. Add in the signing bonus and performance bonuses, and MBA graduates are well on their way to earning north of $250K in their first year. But are consulting firms overvaluing MBA hires? Our hypothesis is yes.…

The Importance of Middle Management In A Remote Workforce

Middle management tends to get a bad rep as the “middle man” inside organizations. But middle management, sometimes known as “middle level management,” plays an important supervisory role within large companies. However, as remote work continues to become the norm, the role  is changing. In this article, we’ll discuss the role and characteristics of middle…

Applied Value Group

Applied Value Group is a boutique management consulting firm known for bringing a results-driven approach to its consulting process. The firm has an investment arm, lending itself to unique cross-over opportunities between consulting and private equity. Today, we’re exploring Applied Value Group’s business and culture to show you how you can position yourself to become…

Fjord Accenture

Fjord Accenture and consulting in general is not just about telling the c-suite how to increase profitability or enter a new market. This stereotype has surprisingly held up over the years. Yet, consulting firms long ago realized that conventional strategy is not the only area corporations need help with. In an increasingly digital age, clients…

Instructional Design: What Is It?

What is instructional design? Simply put, instructional design involves the development of instructional materials. Instructional design had its origin during WWII when soldiers had to be trained on specific information quickly. Success was found in breaking complex material down into specific bite-sized components or parts that were easily absorbed by the soldiers. This success was…