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MC meets MC – Management Consulted meets Marc Cosentino

Estimated Reading Time: 0 minutes

A few months ago, we had the pleasure of interviewing Marc Cosentino at his Santa Barbara home. For those of you who aren't familiar with Marc, he's pretty much the Godfather when it comes to case interviews.

As a kid, he wanted to be the U.S. ambassador to Jamaica, but after going to college he moved to New York, managed 3 restaurants, worked for American Airlines in Denver and started his own mustard company before moving to Boston and working at Harvard's career center.

During his stay at Harvard, Marc wrote The Harvard College guide to Case Questions, The Harvard College Guide to Investment Banking and The Harvard College Guide to Consulting. After this, he got headhunted by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government to serve as a business adviser. It was during his stay that he wrote what turned into a seminal case interview book, Case in Point, and earned his MPA.

Interesting, isn't he?

We had a blast getting to meet Marc, the guy who pretty much pioneered case interview prep material. Luckily for you, we recorded the whole thing for your viewing pleasure.

Check it out below - and don't forget to buy his book!