
Article Recap: Week of August 18, 2019

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Case Presentation Interview-recap graphic

Case Presentation Interview: New Style of Case Interview

Firms are constantly trying to get the edge in hiring. Check out their latest iteration.

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Networking_ Get Offers at McKinsey Bain BCG-recap graphic

Networking: Get Offers at McKinsey Bain BCG

See how to network your way into MBB!

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Case Competitions Graphic

Case Competition

See how being involved with case competitions can give you an edge!

[cta_button button_link="https://demo.managementconsulted.com/case-interview/case-competition/" button_text="See The Article"]


Porter's Five Forces_ Explained

Porter's Five Forces: Explained

If you're not familiar with this popular model, take a look and add it to your consulting arsenal!

[cta_button button_link="https://demo.managementconsulted.com/management-consulting/porters-five-forces-explained/" button_text="Watch The Video"]


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