
Black Belt Supreme 2017 Closes May 31st!

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For the last 4 years, we’ve been running our popular Black Belt interview training courses – with tremendous success. Compared to a 3% acceptance rate at top consulting firms, 55% of our Black Belt Supreme participants have received 1 or more offers from top 10 firms. That means our Black Belt Supreme clients are 1800% more likely to receive an offer as opposed to going through the process alone.

We don’t attribute all of the success to us – Black Belts are hard-wired for awesomeness because they start preparing early, practice often, and have a crapload of fun in the process. On average, they do 40 cases with practice partners, 10 with us, and hours of personal reflection, preparation and planning for both fit and case interviews.

Because of this Type A predisposition, you know what our Black Belts repeatedly asked us?

How can we do even more to get ready?

We know this sounds crazy, but with consulting interviews that are insanely competitive, it’s actually a really good question. And up until last year, we’ve given them hours of DIY homework and answered questions 1:1.

However, we’ve come up with a better way to prep - even better than just Black Belt alone.

Reintroducing Black Belt Supreme - new and improved for 2017! If you thought Black Belt couldn’t get any better, think again. This spring, we’re holding Black Belt Supreme again – a cohort of only 30 students who get extra bang for their Black Belt buck, all at NO extra charge.

The good news?

Black Belt Supreme includes 6 live webinars (recorded for later viewing if you’re doing something important – like working), access to all 6 of our e-books, all of our online video boot camps (if you're a BBD), and 1:1 access to Black Belt Supreme case partners. Yes, all of this is IN ADDITION to the already-awesome content of Black Belt Interviewer and Black Belt Deluxe.

Want some even better news? We don’t charge a penny more for the significantly upgraded support available to you on Black Belt Supreme! The first 30 clients who purchase or upgrade to Black Belt Deluxe or Black Belt Interviewer by May 31 receive FREE access to Black Belt Supreme.

There must be some bad news, right? Well, we’d hate to disappoint…

This will be the ONLY time this year that we run the new course, which means you’ve got just a few days to make a huge decision. Also, there are THE COURSE IS FULL, and we’re filling slots on a first-come, first-served basis. We’ll update this page as Black Belt is filling up, so if you’re still reading this – we still have at least 1 space open.

Signups for the new Black Belt Supreme course close May 31st – no exceptions. You don’t want to miss this once-a-year chance to get our new resources and materials for NO EXTRA CHARGE!

So how do you get in?

It’s easy – just sign up for Black Belt Deluxe or Black Belt Interviewer by May 31, 2017 and email us that you want in on Black Belt Supreme.

That’s right! Simply purchase a Black Belt package by May 31st, and send us an email requesting entry into Black Belt Supreme to receive the following extras:

  • 6 live webinars (recorded in case you’re doing something important – like tanning or making dinner)
  • Access to fellow Black Belt Supreme case partners for 1:1 peer practice

Don’t forget – Black Belt Supreme registration closes May 31!

Finally, a few answers to some FAQs we’ve been getting…

Do I have to use all of my 1:1 coaching hours in June?

Nope. The webinars will all happen in June and July, and we’d recommend that you do at least 3-4 sessions during that time frame so you can put what you’re learning into practice, but you can use the hours at any time.

Do I have to complete my resume/cover letter edit right away?

No way. You can start the editing process at any time – our services never expire. However, after starting the process, you have only 14 days to complete the editing with us – that keeps everyone sane.

I have lots of case practice. Will this help?

Definitely. But keep this in mind - one thing Black Belts – already overachievers – know is that it’s not about lots of practice – it’s about top-notch quality practice. We’ll walk through both fit and case interviews in detail, answer tons of topical and strategy questions, and then put a scalpel to your personal performance.

I might only apply to consulting later in the fall, or not even in 2017. Should I join now?

We only have 30 total slots available, and are only offering Black Belt Supreme once this year – we’re just too insanely busy otherwise. Honestly, we don’t believe you can start too early – if your interviews will be in the future, you just might want to pace out the 1:1 practice sessions with us to 1/week or even 1/month.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us directly.

Sign up for Black Belt Supreme now!