- Lesson 1: Having the Right Expectations for Consulting
- Lesson 2: Left to Right Addition for Consulting
- Lesson 3: Subtraction for AdditionLesson 4: Right to Left Addition
- Lesson 5: Jenny Rae’s Chunk It Out Method
- Lesson 6: Left to Right Subtraction
- Lesson 7: Addition for Subtraction
- Lesson 8: Left To Right Multiplication
- Lesson 9: Subtraction for Multiplication
- Lesson 10: Factoring for Multiplication
- Lesson 11: Criss Cross Multiplication
- Lesson 12: Left to Right Division
- Lesson 13: Breakup Division Method
- Lesson 14: Common Factors for Division
- Lesson 15: First Multiply Division
- Lesson 16: Common Factor Tips
- Lesson 17: Building Blocks for Percentages
- Lesson 18: Multiplication for Percentages
- Lesson 19: Rule of 72, 70 & 69.3
- Lesson 20: Growth Rates
- Lesson 21: Market Growth
- Lesson 22: Squaring Two or Three Digits
- Lesson 23: Weighted Averages
- Lesson 24: Return on Investment (ROI)
- Lesson 25: Breakeven
- Lesson 26: Payback Period
- Lesson 27: Putting It All Together
- Lesson 28: Profit (Addition & Subtraction)
- Lesson 29: Margins (Percentages)
- Lesson 30: Market (Multiply, Interest & Percentages)
- Lesson 31: M&A (DCF & NPV)
- Lesson 32: Conclusion
Mental Math for Consulting
Our updated mental math course, Mental Math for Consulting, is just what you need if you're getting ready to face the toughest case interview of your life. Chock full of advanced math tips, tricks, strategies, and practice problems, with videos showing how we lay our math out on paper.
- Automotive Costs – Addition for Consulting
- Jimmy’s Used Car Lot – Subtraction for Consulting
- Tokyo Airport Terminal – Multiplication for Consulting
- Big Boats – Division for Consulting
- Beauty Accessory Manufacturer – Percentages for Consulting
- Building Liquidation – Interest for Consulting
- Amazon Teeth Whitening Seller – Squaring for Consulting
- Beachfront Hotel – Key Equations for Consulting
- Materials Manufacturer – Profit for Consulting
Overall, you get:
- 9 Modules
- 32 Video Lessons
- 9 Expert Videos - see us do the math on paper!
- 6 Hours of video
- 100's of practice problems
- 30 Quizzes
- 1 Final Test
- 10K+ video and web-based math drills, including exhibit drills
- Get your math skills up to speed with tricks used by top consultants
- Learn how to answer any questions that you could face in an interview
- Never worry about calculating tips at restaurants again!
Mental Math for Consulting
32 video lessons, 10K+ drills, and 30 quizzes to get your quant skills ready for the toughest case interview of your life.