
We love working with you and love hearing when our products and services help you get your dream job! Below is a sample of recent unsolicited feedback we received from raving fans and happy customers.

Interview Prep

"Just got off the phone with McKinsey and have been offered an Associate position!!!!!! I have absolutely no doubt that I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you so much for working with me over the past few weeks!"
- Andy, Double Black Belt Graduate
"Guess what? I got an offer from Booz Allen. I received a call today one of my interviewers saying that they were very pleased with my performance and decided to extend an offer to me without going through round 2 interviews. I am so happy. I couldn't do it without you."
- Mira (2014)
"I wanted to share some wonderful news with you - I received an offer to join BCG!! I didn't hear back for a while and was glad to receive the news. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your help! Thank you for teaching me so well!"
- Jana (2014)
"I have some good news - I have received two full time offers thus far, am waiting to hear back from another, and have an additional 4 final rounds in the coming weeks! Your help and practice has made a huge difference and I want you to know how much I have enjoyed your service."
- Jason (2014)
"I’m glad I booked multiple sessions – because it was really only by the end that I could fully absorb everything we discussed and practiced it with you several times that I was much more in command of the 'right things to do' like upfront structuring, how to ask the right questions, etc." 
- Neal, MBA student
"It is a very happy Friday in NYC, because no more than an hour after I left the Deloitte office, I got a call from recruiting offering me a job!!  Same position as last offer: Manager, Strategy & Operations, I think specifically in the Monitor Deloitte team."
- Dan (2014) 
"I got great news for you and for the other members at the management consulted team! I was able to secure an offer for BCG in the Detroit office... I really wanted to thank you and the other members; I still remember coming to you guys after a string of 5 interview rejections but then really bounce back and land an offer at BCG. If I become a peer adviser for the junior students going for an internship offer, I will be sure to recommend your services to all the students I will run into. Once again, thank you for everything!"
- Student from Michigan Ross School of Business (2014)
"Just wanted to let you guys know how my recruiting turned out after our practice interviews.  I got 2 offers this weekend, one from LEK Boston and one from McKinsey Dubai. I still have a final with Bain Dubai coming up on Thursday. Thanks so much for your help! You guys are great."
- Fred, U.S. undergrad 
"Management Consulted is truly a foremost leader in their field. I chose to work with them because of their obvious expertise in the industry, as well as their strong commitment to their clients. I had the privilege of working with Jenny Rae and Mike H., both of whom were really fantastic. These are real experts and super teachers, and they will help you become your best!"
- Kayla, experienced hire who made it into BCG (2014)
"Got the Accenture offer! We're 1 for 1!! I'm so pumped... Thanks again for your help thus far."
- Thomas, MBA student
"I hope this email finds you well... I think I did well in the recruiting process, and want to thank you again for your effective coaching and kind support. It’s really nice getting to know you through the process. I look forward to staying in touch with you."
- Foreign national who received offers in the U.S. from BCG, McKinsey and PwC (2014)
"Nothing has been as helpful as talking 1-on-1 with Management Consulted on the phone."
- Robert, European experienced hire
"One of the questions that we worked on was the ONLY fit question that I got – and I nailed it after working through exactly what the answer was with you."
- Matt, U.S. experienced hire

Editing Services

"Dear sweet mother of pearl, I have wasted all of my money on resume services until now. You guys are undercharging for this kind of work. I kind of sent this in a malaise after browsing the internet and realizing how incredibly inaccessible the big time firms are to me and this is way better than therapy. I might as well just send you terrible resumes whenever I'm down, therapists charge enough..."
"Wow -- I am impressed by your attention to detail! As I've mentioned previously, I am really counting on my resume + cover letter (and networking) to get through to interviews/counteract any possible negative recruiting bias toward non-Econ/Math majors. Your edits really bring out my business experience -- both documents look AWESOME! :)"
- Cooper (2014)
"The resume edit was the single best thing I did to prepare for both recruiting processes (I did both finance and consulting summer recruiting this year). I got interviews almost everywhere. Although I didn't make it through the decision round of the top three consulting firms, I'm going to do a summer at Goldman, and retry during full-time consulting recruitment in the fall. I probably wouldn't have gotten the Goldman internship without your resume editing help either. Thanks for making me look like the competitive candidate I knew I could be!"
- A junior at Stanford (2013)
"I received a full-time offer from McKinsey & Co. Scandinavia (as well as Booz&Co). Thank you for your [resume] help."
- Michelle (2014)
"I cannot speak more highly of the resume service provided by Management Consulted. The advice I was given was in depth and in addition to making revisions for me, the team took the time to make sure I understood the strengths and weaknesses of my resume as I head into the recruiting process. I’ve shown my resume to contacts at various consulting firms, including McKinsey and Monitor, as well as friends in business school and have gotten nothing but positive feedback. The best part of using this service was that I could submit my resume to recruiters and contacts with full confidence that my resume has a strong chance of getting selected for an interview. My friends look at my resume and have been trying to model theirs after mine. I am extremely happy with the feedback I have received and recommend this service without reservation. I wish I had received the feedback sooner."
- Vikram, Teach for America fellow interested in strategy consulting (2013)
"Thank you very much for all of your efforts! The final resume and cover are outstanding! I truly appreciate all of your help, and I can't thank you enough for all of your feedback and edits."
- Manisha (2014)
"I realized that I couldn't thank you for all your kind help. You've really made my CV look much professional and helped me see what information I should highlight and how."
- Masters student from London School of Economics (2014)
"I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking a look at my resume and giving me all these great pointers. I thought my resume couldn't get any better when I sent it to you, but with your help I was able to see things differently. Ever since I re-created my resume, I have received more phone calls from recruiters and it really proved that the advice you gave did work. I have attached a copy of my resume to show you that I did take your advice and it has won me interviews, phone calls and emails from recruiters who are interested in hiring me! Once again, thank you so much! I can't stress how grateful I am."
"The first edit looks awesome. The transformation from my sleep deprived , alcohol induced ramblings to a professional cover letter is phenomenal. I look forward to the second round of edits."
- Experienced hire, Carnegie Mellon graduate (2014) 
"What I found most helpful about the resume editing was that it started out very broad and as we worked more and more on it, I was eased into correcting the smaller nit-picky things. For example, during the first edit, we nailed down things like formatting and general ideas that I wanted the resume to present. Things such as: more results-oriented bullet points, more numeric examples for these results, what to keep in, what to take out. After that, I was able to go into the details, adding metrics and finessing wording.  Like you said, the first edit was like taking an axe to the resume and separating chunks of information while the second edit was like taking a scalpel and cutting into the specifics of each and every line. That was what I found most helpful — because I never felt too overwhelmed with information on what I have to fix."
- Victoria, University student who received multiple consulting job offers
"Thank you so much. I'm looking at my resume and all I can say is damn you're good! It's less cluttered, straight forward and concise. How do you do that? You're awesome. Now, I'm going to work on the cover letter. Thanks a bunch."
- Afusat 
"Thanks very much for all your work - I'm very impressed with the quality of your inputs as well as the timeliness of your responses. Extremely professional and very unlike the shoddy job that another service did for me over a year ago."
- Amit
"I’m happy to write you a testimonial. It’s not what I’d usually do but after spending several hours over the course of a week working with you on my CV, it was the least I could do. Not only did you cut [my CV] from 3 pages to a page, I don’t feel like too much was left out. I was surprisingly comfortable with the result, and think it…focused attention on important parts. In addition, you rewrote a surprising amount of stuff. I feel like it reads well, and I’ve been showing it around to people in my department. After submitting it to more than 15 firms through [graduate] recruiting, I got 4 interview offers coming up in the next week."
- Justine, PhD student who broke into consulting
"Certainly, without the input and refining of my resume by Management Consulted, my resume wouldn’t have generated any interest, much less an interview. With your help, my resume became much more concise with results and numbers in the right places.  I applied to McKinsey last year… so [getting an offer this year] sums up the contributions of your editing services!"
- Edward, Biology PhD in UK who landed an interview with McKinsey
"The resume edit you did kicked bottoms.  I've gotten a job with ****** therapeutics (opened by 3 ex-bain consultant coincidentally) for the next 3 months (at least, contract can be extended)!"
- Doreen, PhD candidate 
"Once again, thank you for the feedback on my resume and cover letter. I appreciate how you and your team did a better job of telling my whole story instead of focusing solely on my work experience at GE."
- Sunil (2014)
"I used your cover letter for my Spring Internship applications, and am happy to report that up until now I already got 8 interview invitations out of it. Again, I cannot thank you enough."
- Sarah
"Thank you for the wonderful edits. They are very helpful and clearly pointed out the direction how both writings can be further improved."
- Lei
"I’m greatly impressed with the timeliness and professionalism of Management Consulted and would be more than happy to share my experience with other.  As always, thanks for everything!"

- Brandon

Consulting Bootcamps

"Jenny Rae's energy is unmatched!  She is a skilled teacher and mentor for students, and she will ensure that Bootcamp participants are fully prepared for the gauntlet that is internship and full-time recruiting.  Our organization chose ManagementConsulted because of its reputation as a leader in consulting recruiting preparation, and MC's bootcamp exceeded our expectations!  Working with Jenny Rae and everyone at ManagementConsulted was easy as they were very well coordinated and organized.  I would definitely recommend Management Consulted to anyone interested in recruiting, in any field, as Jenny Rae will make sure you are prepared no matter what it is that you are interested in."
- Student from Harvard College Consulting Group (2014)
"We chose Management Consulted for a Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club event because we figured Jenny Rae and the team would provide a great learning experience for our club members. Since the event was on Martin Luther King day, weren’t expecting too many people to show, but the bootcamp ended up being so well-attended that we exceeded room capacity and broke Philadelphia fire codes twice in one afternoon! Our club members found the event extremely helpful to their understanding of consulting as an industry and consulting recruiting, and we would definitely recommend Management Consulted to other university consulting organizations!"
- Student from Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club (2014)
"I chose Management Consulted because of the various options of services (ie. Bootcamps, All week sessions, etc). They were very flexible and accommodating to fit our schedule.  Jenny Rae was a great presenter and made the bootcamp fun while still providing a valuable learning experience. A lot was covered, but the students felt they were given individual attention and were able to ask questions in a fun and interactive environment. The student experience was amazing and the students stayed engaged throughout the entire day. I would definitely have Management Consulted back."
- Jessica, Director at US B-School's Career Center (2014)
"After speaking with Management Consulted on the phone, we were confident that their company would prepare the consulting club’s membership for recruiting season.   Management Consulted did not disappoint.  Our membership gained valuable insights into the resume, networking, and interview process.  Management Consulted was able to cut through the fog, stress, and questions that occur early in the recruiting process for consulting.  Our members left the presentation motivated and prepared for the journey ahead.  I would most certainly recommend Management Consulted to anyone thinking about consulting."
- MBA Candidate from Darden Graduate School of Business (2014)
"I wanted to thank you for taking the time to come and present at the Wharton Consulting Conference on Friday. Your presentation was very insightful and I learned a lot of useful information. As I said before, it was so great to finally meet you in person after watching all your Youtube videos and I appreciated your answers to my questions about introductions and business cards."
- Undergraduate commerce student (2014)
"I am writing to thank you for your time on Thursday 23rd October at UCL. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation on Consulting and learnt many helpful tips in the process. You were very enthusiastic and dynamic, a change from the normal presentations given by other companies, so I would like to thank you for that! I hope to meet you again at another event in the near future."
- Student from University College London (2014)
"I have been to one of your seminars on Consulting interview at McGill several weeks ago and I was utterly impressed by your presentation."
- MBA student at McGill University (2014)
"I just wanted to thank you for the workshop in NYC.  It was WELL worth my time and money.  I felt like I learned so much just in one day, and I feel encouraged about the session as a good foundation going forward." 
- Travis (2014)
"Thank you for coming to Yale SOM. Your bootcamp was excellent and I really appreciated your straight forward style. You are the definition of efficiency!"
- Yale MAM Candidate (2014)
"Thank you very much for giving us such a wonderful 8h bootcamp yesterday! It was a great eye-opening experience for me, I learned a lot. I felt more confident, as well as more determined, to pursue a career in management consulting. It's so cool!"
- PhD Candidate at McGill University (2014)


2013 London Bootcamp

2013 San Francisco Bootcamp

2013 New York Bootcamp


“I bought your Consulting Bible training course several weeks ago in a frantic, last-minute attempt to prepare for upcoming consulting interviews. I knew your course focused on strategy consulting – but after reading everything you covered, I figured much of the stuff would overlap with technology and operations consulting too. Am I glad I bought it!! Literally, like 1/3 of the fit questions were pulled straight from your course. I almost laughed out loud. The cases a few of the companies provided were more quantitative/featured more charts, but the way you broke down each answer and particularly, the right components for the answer, were really spot-on. And now I’m happy to announce…I have offers from both Navigant AND Accenture! Thanks again. I will be telling everyone at Haas that I know.”
- David K., University student who broke into consulting
“First off, thanks for even putting a site like this together. When I came across it as an email forward on a Booth mailing list, I began reading every article that I could. I read through what you were promising for The Consulting Bible, and you convinced me to buy it. I started going through all the questions – in particular, the sizing questions because I’m weak in them and never confident in my assumptions. I finished my final rounds with BCG several days ago, and just received an offer from their Dubai office! Thanks again – without the confidence that your methods and guidance engendered, I really don’t think I would’ve been as comfortable in particularly the final round interviews.”
- Shirley S., Business school student who broke into consulting
"I purchased the Management Consulted Book Bundle and it has by far been the clearest and most informative collection of instructions on the whole 'getting into consulting' process. Thanks so much for all the great work you guys are doing!"
- Maia
"Simply great, I wish I had this book [3 Months Mastery] when I started my management consulting career. All the tips and guidance is so relevant. Unaware of the requirements, I had to learn the lessons the hard way. In management consulting sometimes first impressions count a lot. Highly recommended for FFYs."
- Shashi K.
"I’m subscribed to your mailing list and have just been browsing the free consulting roadmap – it’s brilliant, thanks for providing it free of charge! I also invested in the Consulting Bible a few months back."
- Mike G.
"I scoured the Internet for good resume resources and stumbled on yours. I had done a lot of work on my resume, and even hired so-called experts to help me. I was really skeptical when making my purchase, but I’m so glad I did! Buying your Consulting Resume and Cover Letter Bible was the best decision I made in my whole job search. The templates were especially incredible…I was really battling to come up with a super-professional format and mixing and matching them gave me a resume my friends all want to copy! Thanks for taking the time to create this resource — you’re really making a difference!"
- Paul, experienced hire with a new and improved resume
"The course itself is very comprehensive – especially the fit questions. I have to admit that I was initially skeptical because I’ve read the Vault Guide to Consulting and done a lot of prep already. But you give a refund guarantee so I decided to give it a try. After just reading the preface, I knew I made the right decision - you should consider putting the preface online because it answered my questions.I feel much more comfortable now. [...] Thanks!"
- David J., Grad student interested in healthcare consulting
“I live in Australia, just got an offer call from Bain this past Friday. Used your Consulting Bible. Thank you for creating it — perhaps the best $$ I’ve ever spent. For fit / behavioral questions, it was really spot on. I can’t recall how many times during the interview process people either said, “tell me about xxx in your resume” or “tell me about a time when xxx;” — although the questions weren’t always exactly the ones in The Consulting Bible, my prepared hero stories / answers to the questions in the MC course were enough that I was able to handle every behavioral q that came up during the entire interview process.”
- Ronjon, who received an offer from Bain Australia
“This is such a wonderful resource [3 Months Mastery]. I think you have filled such a gaping void in the literature of consulting career guides. And as I am starting my work this summer, it couldn’t come at a better time!”
- BCG Intern  
“My favorite feature was the ability to sort cases by 1st and 2nd round interviews. I had practiced quite a bit with some of my classmates, which got me through 1st rounds at 2 firms. But I knew I needed an extra push to get through 2nd rounds successfully. I used the Consulting Case Bank to take my practice to the next level, focusing on 2nd round interview questions that were more complicated and required more time. And I won’t forget to mention how AMAZING the case interview guidelines section was in the newest edition of The Consulting Bible! Thank you!”
- Sylvia, Ivy grad with a degree in Financial Economics
“I’ve been practicing cases for 6 months, but with the limited resources available I’ve been really frustrated. I was stoked when MC asked me to check out their new Consulting Case Bank. It’s been a HUGE help this summer! I think the price is really fair for what you get.”
- Cason, an undergrad at UVA


 "Thank you so, so much for this incredible website. It has eased my concerns about getting a position in consulting by an unquantifiable amount."
- Jeff
"Thank you so much for this opportunity. I’ve been a huge fan of your site for a few years now. I went to Chicago Booth, which is known for its strong career services office, and nothing at the school was as valuable as the info on your site… Even though I’m in marketing, your advice is so pertinent to a variety of industries.  I look forward to your assessment of my resume. Thanks again."
- Giulia, Chicago Booth alum
All through my college career I was preparing myself for a career not in consulting, but in investment banking. I am well aware of the contention and borderline rivalry between the two; in those days I was firmly pro IB. I thought it was superior in every way possible; mostly I was interested in the pay. Right out of school I landed my first analyst role with a boutique firm in the DC area; it was in no way what was advertised. The hours and cut throat environment would have been acceptable but I was learning nothing. I had one small portion of the transaction and no exposure to anything else; this was going to be my life for the next 2 years. Eight months ago I had a drink with a buddy of mine from one of the Big 4, he had just returned from a project overseas. I thought consulting was for those who couldn’t hack IB, but he told me about his projects, the big wigs he meets with daily, and the experiences he’s had. I was slack jawed, so he sent me to ManagementConsulted.com. That night I read the entire site, and I haven’t looked back.


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