
Articles Recap: Week of September 15, 2019

Estimated Reading Time: 0 minutes

Business Writing,

Business Writing: Definition, Tips, & Examples

The basics of business writing. Check out the tips and improve your business writing!

[cta_button button_link="https://demo.managementconsulted.com/consulting-skills/business-writing-definition-tips-examples/" button_text="See The Tips"]



Case Interview Dress Code

It's silly to lose points or a good impression in your case interview because of what you're wearing. Check out what's expected when you show up to your interview.

[cta_button button_link="https://demo.managementconsulted.com/case-interview/case-interview-dress-code/" button_text="See The Dress Code"]


McKinsey Careers-How to Land an Offer -recap graphic

McKinsey Careers: How to Land an Offer

Land that coveted offer! Steps to take to get in the McKinsey door.

[cta_button button_link="https://demo.managementconsulted.com/mckinsey-consulting/mckinsey-careers-how-to-land-an-offer/" button_text="See The Article"]


Deloitte Glassdoor Reviews graphic

Deloitte 1 Star Glassdoor Reviews

A great place to see the pros and cons of a company are through Glassdoor reviews. Check out these funny and sometimes cringe-worthy reviews!

[cta_button button_link="https://demo.managementconsulted.com/deloitte-consulting/deloitte-1-star-glassdoor-reviews/" button_text="Watch The Video"]