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Celerant Consulting Interview – the skinny on operations consulting

The Life as a Consultant series continues. The guest today is a senior consultant from Celerant Consulting - an operations-focused consulting firm. Previous interviews featured consultants from Booz Allen, AT Kearney, Nortel, and McKinsey. Disclaimer: I did not personally conduct this interview. Both the questions and answers were sent to me by a kind reader.…

Consulting Exit Opportunities: 28% of Management Consultants Pursue Finance

I've briefly discussed consulting exit options before. This article is part 1 of 2 that will "deep dive" into the topic (with a precise estimate of the percentage pursuing each). I considered bumming on a beach in Koh Samui when I left consulting, but for more ambitious folk, here are the main paths: [optin-monster slug="mfmzt6jhpqtviy9rqitx"…

Booz Allen interview on Obama and public sector consulting

If you're not familiar with my interview with a consultant from Booz Allen, we briefly covered government consulting which generated great reader interest. Booz guy thoughtfully followed up with some additional thoughts on the topic. My notes are in italics. In no particular order, here they are: 1. Government and public sector consulting generally follows…

6 Reasons Why Companies Spend $2 Million To Hire Management Consultants

Today's post departs from its usual focus on recruiting to take a 5,000 mile view of the consulting industry and its purpose. Consultants can have a negative reputation - charging $2 million for 12 week's work that results in stacks of PowerPoint slides, all of which are archived into a dusty closet (digital or otherwise) soon…

Welcome to new readers, an interview with Social Geekette, and useful resources for understanding management consulting

This blog has been growing my leaps and bounds. I've really appreciated meeting readers and helping people in their quest to break into the consulting industry. For new readers, consider subscribing to my RSS. It's the most convenient way to receive blog updates - and expect a slew of content in the next few days…

How to get a consulting job in a tough economy: notes from recruiting talks

credit repair costs Our Recruiting in a Down Market talks from last week covered a lot of useful material that we'd like to share with readers. The key takeaways for lazy people are: Networking is everything - focus on a few quality channels and be proactive Spread your net wide - you can't afford to…

Why you should do engineering or business if you want to break into consulting: return from hiatus plus a slew of reader questions

It's been too long since my last post. After a string of talks at schools such as UPenn and Yale, I'm back on the blogging train. For now, here are answers to some reader comments and emails. I'll followup with a post tomorrow summarizing key takeaways from the talks Brian and I gave this past…

Business school recruiting and applying to international offices: round-up of reader questions

letters on wanting him back A new resource for prospective consultants - this was advertised through the Consulting Magazine newsletter. It's a niche social network dedicated to students who are currently involved with campus consulting clubs. It's just getting started (only 60 members atm) but could be a useful resource in the coming years. If…

Interview with Marquis of McKinsey and Marquis’ Weblog – Life as a Consultant series

The Life of a Consultant series continues. The guest today is Marquis - former McKinsey consultant, Stanford GSB graduate, and author of the popular consulting blog Marquis' Weblog. Previous interviews covered consultants from Booz Allen, AT Kearney, and Nortel. Some background: I've been reading Marquis' blog for several years. He is a prolific and insightful…

The Top 11 Mistakes You’re Making in Your Consulting Resume

I've been offering a resume editing service since site launch. In this time, I've had the fortune to work with hundreds of clients. Below is a list of the Top 11 mistakes in consulting resumes I've noticed in my clients. Some are corollaries of my Top 10 resume tips, but the majority are unique. 1.…