

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

consulting firm profile

Atos is a worldwide behemoth generating over 10B euros in 2021. Per Atos’s annual report, “Atos’s purpose is to help design the future of the digital space” (read report here). Atos accomplishes this goal by providing digital solutions and products as well as advisory services and offerings. In June 2022, Atos announced that is undergoing a restructuring program and broader transformation. Atos is planning to spin off two distinct publicly traded companies to account for its strategy to play in two main markets: (i) data and applications and (ii) infrastructure. The “new” Atos company will focus on digital infrastructure and workplace services including managed infrastructure services, outsourcing, and professional advisory services.

While Atos provides consulting and advisory services, the consulting and advisory services are fully focused on technology and digital transformation. Atos’s consulting and advisory services’ vision is: “helping our clients become digital businesses by designing, accelerating, and scaling their digital transformations, ultimately supporting their success in the new norm of hybrid working” (read more on Atos’s website here).

Table of Contents

  1. Atos Key Stats
  2. Atos History
  3. Atos Careers
  4. Atos Internship
  5. Practice areas
  6. Industries
  7. Office Locations
  8. Career Path
  9. Exit Opportunities
  10. Notable Alumni
  11. Target Schools
  12. Diversity Programs
  13. Atos Culture
  14. Atos Interview
  15. Atos Company Salary

atos, atos careers, atos history, atos salary

Atos Key Stats

  • Firm Website: https://atos.net/en/
  • Firm Headquarters: Bezons, France
  • Firm Number of Employees: 110,000+ employees
  • Firm Number of Locations: Worldwide footprint across 71 countries
  • Firm Chief Executive: Rodolphe Belmer; to transition to Nourdine Bihmane once spin off is complete
  • Firm Revenue: 11B euros in 2021

Atos History

Atos was formed via a series of mergers and acquisitions in the late 1990s. Notable companies that were folded into Atos include: KPMG Consulting (UK and Ireland) and Siemens IT Solutions and Services.

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Atos Careers

There are many Atos career paths you can experience. Below please find an overview of key Atos careers.

Atos Internship

Similar to the other consulting firms, the Atos internship is intended to simulate a real-world project. Atos interns are given a mentor and are part of a broader Atos intern community.

Practice Areas

Atos has a digital transformation practice. The Atos practice areas within the digital transformation practice include:

  • Digital strategy
  • Process optimization
  • Organizational changes
  • Process automation


Atos works across industries including:

  • Financial services
  • Healthcare and life sciences
  • Manufacturing
  • Public sector and defense
  • Resources and services
  • Telecom, media, and entertainment

Office Locations

Atos office locations are worldwide in 70+ countries.

Career Path

Given the size and scope of Atos, there is not a one size fits all Atos career path. However, there is more opportunity for internal career changes, given the breadth of roles at Atos.

Exit Opportunities

Again, the Atos exit opportunities are very dependent on the type of work you do within Atos. However, generally, the exit opportunities will be narrower than those at MBB firms, given the exit opportunities

will be within the digital strategy and technology space.

Notable Alumni

Unlike MBB firms, Atos does not prominently publish any Atos notable alumni.

Target Schools

Per LinkedIn, ~8,000 individuals from the United States work at Atos. Across these employees,

  • ~100 went to the University of Phoenix
  • ~50 went to the University of Texas at Austin
  • ~50 went to DeVry University
  • ~40 went to the University of Cincinnati
  • ~40 went to the University of Texas at Arlington
  • ~30 went to the University of North Texas

Diversity Programs

Given its scale, there are several formal Atos diversity programs including:

  • Women’s Executive Mentoring Program
  • Atos pride groups
  • Veterans groups

Outside of the formal groups, Atos considers diversity and inclusion as a critical part of its business. For example, Atos hosts events for Global Accessibility Awareness Day and partners with the UN on several gender diversity initiatives (e.g., He for she). Atos has also signed the AARP employer pledge, reaffirming its commitment to hire across a wide range of age groups.

Atos Culture

Given Atos is an 110,000+ person company, the culture of the individual teams and groups outweighs the culture of the overall company. That being said, per Glassdoor, the firm is generally friendly and amicable and considers work life balance as a strength.

Atos Interview

The Atos interview depends on the specific role to which you are applying. Generally, you can expect a behavioral interview and depending on the role, there can be more quantitative questions.

Atos Company Salary

The Atos company salary will differ greatly based on your role and geography and as a result of the restructuring work. Based on Glassdoor, the current consultant salary is ~$100,000 to $105,000, and the current senior consultant salary is ~$130,000-$135,000. Given working at Atos will be a more operations-focused consulting role at a legacy incumbent, you should expect lower salaries as opposed to working at a McKinsey, Bain, or BCG which provides more strategy consulting work.


Therefore, Atos is a large behemoth that is undergoing significant corporate changes with its restructuring plans. Atos has a digital technology consulting practice which focuses on a variety of areas including digital strategy, process optimization, and organizational changes. Atos has a focus on inclusion and diversity with several formal diversity programs. Given the breadth of the company, it is important to realize there is not a one-size-fits-all Atos culture or career path. Instead, you should be aware of the idiosyncrasies with each individual group.


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