Bain & Company, one of the world's leading management consulting firms, has exciting news for those undergraduate and MS students who have been invited to interview for 2024 internship or full time roles. The firm's interview portal is set to open on Monday July 10th, 2023 - if you've been invited to interview, this is the first day you can schedule your interview. You should have received an email from Bain with a link and more details.
This is the crucial first step in your journey towards becoming part of Bain's world-class team. As a candidate, you'll be limited to scheduling your first round interview within July. While this is soon, we're fans of allowing candidates to schedule interviews at a time that works for them instead of assigning a "set in stone" time to each person randomly.
Now, once you've set your interview date, the real work begins. But worry not – you still have a good 10-14 days to prepare. During this time, out-loud practice is essential. Work with case buddies and our Bain coaches on mock cases and drill-based exercises to simulate the interview environment, ensure you're filling your gap areas, and to receive incisive feedback. Remember, Bain values candidates who can demonstrate analytical acumen, problem-solving skills, and interpersonal ability, so make sure your preparation touches on these key areas.
In this competitive and challenging process, make the most of the time at your disposal to ensure that you're well-equipped to showcase your best self. And remember, the aim is not just to get through the interview but to start building a successful career at Bain.
As we anticipate the opening of the Bain interview portal, we encourage you to embrace the journey with confidence and enthusiasm. This is an incredible chance to join an industry-leading firm that is invested in your professional growth and development. Seize the opportunity and set the foundation for a thriving career in management consulting. Good luck!