
Camber Collective

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While the biggest consulting firms tend to draw the most attention, boutique firms like Camber Collective can be just as exciting.

Camber Collective is a Seattle-based consulting firm with a highly progressive mission, providing a variety of business and project-based consulting services to clients in the areas of healthcare, equity, environment/climate, and democracy/governance. The firm's clientele extends to private and community foundations, individual and venture philanthropists, government agencies, multilaterals, NGOs, and mission driven private sector organizations.

If you’re interested in working for a consulting firm where you can be confident in the impact you're making on the world, Camber Collective might be the place for you.

Camber Collective image banner, Camber Collective history, Camber Collective careers, Camber Collective internship, Camber Collective locations, Camber Collective culture, Camber Collective interview, Camber Collective salary

Firm Key Stats

Firm Website: www.cambercollective.com
Firm Headquarters: Seattle, WA
Firm Number of Employees: ~35
Firm Number of Locations: 4
Firm Chief Executive: Brian Leslie
Firm Revenue: $5M

Camber Collective History

Camber Collective’s history begins with the firm’s founding in 2009. Since that time, the company has focused on providing progressive and human-centered consulting services emphasizing equity, sustainability, and rigorous analysis. In recent years, the company has overhauled its management structure to foster greater equity and inclusiveness within the organization.

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Camber Collective Careers

Now, let’s take a look at everything you need to know about Camber Collective careers.

Practice Areas

Camber Collective offers a variety of services, including:

    • Research and Data Analysis
    • Investment and Impact Prioritization
    • Customer/Constituent/Audience Segmentation, Mapping, and Engagement
    • Behavioral Analysis
    • Team/Project Structure and Business Plan Development
    • Foundation Startup Strategy Design and Mapping
    • Landscape Analysis and Systems Mapping
    • Market Discovery, Pivots, and Shifts
    • Meeting and Workshop Facilitation
    • Rapid Maturity Model Assessment
    • Organizational Merger, Succession Planning and/or Wind Down
    • Bottom-up Collaboration and Coalition Strategies for Equitable Impact
    • Prioritizing a Culture of Equity and Belonging


Camber Collective industries are:

    • Global Health
    • US Health
    • Democracy & Governance
    • Shared Prosperity
    • Climate & Environment

Camber Collective Locations

The Camber Collective locations include:

    • Camber Collective Seattle
    • Camber Collective San Francisco
    • Camber Collective Washington, DC
    • Camber Collective Paris

Career Path

The Camber Collective career path is similar to other consulting firms, with entry-level Associate and Consultant positions leading to more senior positions.

As a small firm, however, the career path is less formally defined than at larger firms. This can allow for meaningful advancement within the company. But, this also means it is likely to hire and promote more on an as-needed basis, as opposed to the regular up-or-out promotion schedule practiced by larger firms.

Exit Opportunities

Working for smaller firms allows consultants the opportunity to gain a wider array of experiences, since small teams require stakeholders to invest in more areas of the organization’s operation. Thus, what Camber Collective lacks in name recognition, it makes up for in the diversity of expertise its employees are able to gain.

Camber Collective exit opportunities are often diverse, enabling departing employees to bring their skill set to a variety of different organizations. Exit opportunities should be especially positive for consultants who wish to continue working for companies with a pro-social and/or pro-environmental mission.

Diversity Programs

Camber Collective holds equity as a foundational part of the work it does externally and internally. The firm names Equity and Belonging as among its core values. As part of the Camber Collective diversity programs, the firm has recently restructured its management to include the Director of Impact and Equity position within the Executive Office. That position is currently filled by Rozella Kennedy. She has spent the last two years overseeing an ongoing study of the company’s DEI status. She is currently implementing a “Dismantling White Supremacy” framework designed by Tema Okun and Kenneth Jones. Last year, the firm gathered its global team members to participate in a summit organized around their four tenets of belonging: being Seen, Connected, Supported, and Galvanized.

Camber Collective Culture

The Camber Collective culture is upheld by the firm’s progressive and pro-social values, which include:

  • Impact and Influence
  • Service Leadership & Partnership
  • Evidence, Voices, & Insights
  • Nurturing Talent
  • Embrace an Adaptive Journey

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Camber Collective Interviews

The interview process for Camber Collective consulting positions is similar to other consulting firms. Past applicants report proceeding through multiple rounds of interviews which include behavioral fit questions, as well as case questions that focus on the technical aspects of the position. Unfortunately, because Camber Collective is a relatively small firm, the interview information available online is not as extensive as at other firms.

Camber Collective Salary

The Camber Collective salary for an entry-level Consultant is around $100,000, and the salary for the Associate position is $140,000. This puts Camber Collective on par with the Big Three consulting firms, which have an average entry-level Consultant salary of $110,000-112,000.

For a more comprehensive array of salary information for hundreds of consulting firms, be sure to check out the latest Management Consulted Salary Report.


Some consulting firms focus exclusively on the bottom line. Other firms, however, are dedicated to helping their clients achieve more equitable outcomes. Camber Collective focuses on helping clients achieve positive political, environmental, and social outcomes, in addition to helping them meet their financial goals. If you’re interested in working for a team-oriented organization with a positive mission, consider applying to Camber Collective today.


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