Category: business consulting

Consulting vs Coaching with Shane Arthur (Podcast)

A common question we receive is - What's the difference between consulting and coaching? On the podcast to answer the question is executive coach Shane Arthur to talk through the differences (and why they matter for your career), plus: Shane's approach to coaching executives Top mistakes young professionals make Keys to accelerate your professional development…

Agile Transformation

Agile transformation is essential in the turbulent economic environment that the world faces today. What must management do for a successful agile transformation? Is there an agile transformation checklist? What are the agile transformation stages? Agile transformation (a.k.a. business agility transformation) can ensure that your firm survives and thrives when unexpected problems arise. Concerned about…

Advisory vs. Consulting: How Are They Different?

Many corporations and organizations across the world leverage the services of consultants or advisors to solve a wide array of problems. Consulting and advisory firms have shaped many decisions in our modern world. From helping governments navigate tricky situations like the coronavirus pandemic to aiding corporations in the pursuit of increased market share, these nuanced…

Financial Engineering: A New Consulting Frontier?

Management consultants are known for their expertise in business strategy and operations. However, because most large businesses rely heavily on numbers, most consulting firms provide advice based on financials as well. After all, ultimately what matters most to any corporation is increasing profits. As a result, one growing practice that represents a relatively untapped potential…

Emerging Technologies That Could Impact Business

Emerging technologies have shaped investing decisions and economic outcomes for as long as there has been investment and economic activity. But today, the influence of emerging technologies is greater than ever before. This has a great deal to do with the rapid pace of change in our hyper-globalized world, and the unprecedented ability of technological…

Applying Agile Methods To Your Business

Changes are happening faster than ever for businesses today. Agile methods acknowledge that this calls for a responsive and flexible form of software development. Agile methods focus on adaptive planning, customer input, and short delivery times. The application of Agile methods to your business could result in reduced project costs and greater customer satisfaction. Let’s…

Do Bundled Payments Improve Healthcare?

Bundled payments became common during the Obama Administration as part of a strategy to increase the efficiency of the healthcare system by eliminating unnecessary procedures and reducing health care costs for consumers. What are bundled payments, and do they improve healthcare? Let’s explore. What Are Bundled Payments? What are bundled payments? In bundled payments, the…

Public Debt: Will It Sink the Future U.S. Economy?

Public debt is always a hot topic in Washington DC. Does the national debt matter? How much is too much? When used correctly, public debt can be extremely beneficial, leading to a better quality of life for Americans. Public debt can be used to finance construction of new roads, provide healthcare to citizens, invest in…

What Is Big Data? Examples, Benefits, & Challenges

Big data is a term that describes the large amount of data – both structured and unstructured – that a business can access on a day-to-day basis. Like the term “the cloud,” the term big data can seem complex. In reality, big data as a concept is really quite simple. It’s about understanding the methods/tools…

Business Innovation

Business innovation is not a complex concept. It simply means doing something new and different. It could look like better meeting customer needs, solving a problem, reducing costs, or increasing employee satisfaction. Certainly, there are major business innovations that take the world by storm such as the Model T Ford, personal computer, iPhone, or plant-based…