Category: business consulting

Business school recruiting and applying to international offices: round-up of reader questions

letters on wanting him back A new resource for prospective consultants - this was advertised through the Consulting Magazine newsletter. It's a niche social network dedicated to students who are currently involved with campus consulting clubs. It's just getting started (only 60 members atm) but could be a useful resource in the coming years. If…

Good reads from the consulting blogosphere, plus a great site for case interview preparation

Readers will notice that the posting rate here at MC has slowed a bit recently. Have been working on several related projects (the Consulting Bible among them) and will be excited to share with everyone soon! Until then take a look at the case interview reads we've collected from the consulting blogosphere. Later today, I'll…

The Truth about GPA Cutoff, SAT, GMAT Scores, Career Changes, and Office Selection

Is there a GPA cutoff for consulting? What do I do if I have a low SAT score from high school? Are some offices easier than others to recruit for? I tackle these questions and more in this article! This site has been growing by leaps and bounds in the past weeks. I want to…

Official site launch – thanks to Mergers and Inquisitions, and some useful consulting resources from around the web

Today marks the official launch of Management Consulted. I've been flying under the radar as I tried to establish some pillar content. Starting today, I'll be making a public push to spread the word about this site. If you're a new reader, you can do the following: Subscribe to the RSS feed Subscribe via email…

Welcome to New Readers

Received an influx of new readers in the last few days, thanks to some link love from fellow bloggers. Thanks to Marquis first and foremost, who is both a fellow Stanford grad and fellow ex-McKinsey consultant. He regularly blogs about management consulting and MBA issues and has sensible, smart advice for just about everything career-related.…