Category: business consulting

Circular Supply Chain: A More Sustainable Option?

“Circular supply chain” is a big part of business lingo these days, but what does it actually mean, and is it a more sustainable option? The circular supply chain business model is increasingly in demand in an eco-conscious society, but you might find that the circular economy supply chain has other benefits in addition to…

The Middle Class Shift to Asia: How Will Companies Cope?

The middle class has been one of the most closely analyzed and hotly debated concepts in economics (and politics) for most of the last century. It has become almost conventional wisdom that nations rise and fall on the strength of their middle class. And yet, there is disagreement not only on how to grow the…

How Businesses Use AI & Big Data To Increase Revenue

Big data and AI are being used – or at least have the potential to be used – to revolutionize many businesses. Effective use of AI to navigate big data can lead to cost reduction, time savings, error reduction, novel new products/services, and more. Big data simply refers to the large amount of data that…

What Causes Inflation?: Common Questions About Inflation

What are the main causes of inflation? Or you may be wondering more broadly, how is inflation caused? These days, it seems like everyone is asking these kinds of questions as inflation continues to increase. Many people understand that inflation means that prices are rising. But why are they rising? In this article, we will…

Impact of Social Media on Business

The impact of social media on business has been enormous for years and is only going to grow. If you’re a business owner, a consultant, or a professional of any type, you’ll want to read on to find out just how deep social media’s impact on business really is. If your business’s social media operation…

Industry 4.0: What Is It?

Chances are you have heard the term “Industry 4.0” thrown around in an online form recently - or maybe you are wondering how you missed Industry 1.0 - 3.0. In either case, the term, even though sometimes seen as a buzzword, deserves our attention for a bit. In this article, we’ll clear things up around…

Business Impact Analysis: Steps & Why It’s Important

Business impact analysis is used to predict the results of a disruption to a business and to develop mitigation and recovery plans. Business impact analysis involves risk assessment, scenario planning, and analysis of investment in prevention relative to cost of disruption. In this article, we’ll define business impact analysis a bit further, run through a…

Building A Legacy in Business

At one point in our career, many people pause to consider how we can impact the future for others and whether we are building a legacy. As Charles Dickens stated, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” The drive to benefit others in a lasting way is the motivation…

Diversity Consultant: What Do They Do?

A diversity consultant is one focused on increasing the level of inclusion (i.e., mix of racial, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic perspectives) within a firm. In this article, we’ll explore the fairly new roles of diversity consultants in more detail. We'll compare diversity and inclusion consulting to racial equity consultants, and explore the benefits of…

Online Banking Shifts to Digital Banking: What This Means for Bank Revenues

Digital banking has been steadily gaining market share over the past decade. However, in 2020, the adoption of digital banking grew exponentially. The pandemic caused banks to limit branch hours. Not only that, many people were hesitant to use cash in transactions for fear of infection. This caused a major shift in banking habits. People…