Category: business consulting

Business Continuity: Protecting Your Business

In this article, we’re going to take a look at Business Continuity. What is it? How do we plan for it? How can we implement those plans to keep our businesses resilient in the face of global transformation? Business Continuity might sound like the latest business buzzword, but in reality, it is a straightforward concept.…

Leadership Vision: Grab Yours Now

Leadership vision is what separates cohesive teams from scattered teams. Every new member you add to a team increases the complexity of the operation. Synchronizing the activities of many self-interested people is crucial to steering a business toward its objectives, but it is not easy. This is why leadership vision is essential. In this article,…

Unit Economics: What Is It?

Unit economics has become such a buzzword in the world of management consulting that it almost seems passé. Today's era is of highly publicized yet unprofitable startups raising tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. Their presumption is that they will bend toward profitability with scale, making mastering unit economics more necessary than ever. This…

What is Cognitive Restructuring?

Do you find yourself stuck in your head, unable to be present, or trying to silence a critical internal voice reminding you of your flaws? If so, cognitive restructuring can prove to be an extremely useful tool to change your life. What is cognitive restructuring? It may sound complex, but simply put, it is a…

Strategy Canvas: Charting a Company’s Future

The strategy canvas has become something of a go-to process to guide companies through the difficult and fraught process of strategic planning. Still, there are many companies and consultants who remain unfamiliar with the strategy canvas and the potential it offers for navigating the future. Used correctly, the strategy canvas can be a remarkably useful…

Why Businesses Should Focus On The Top Line In Crisis

In a crisis, like what we're experiencing with Covid-19, should businesses focus on the "top-line", (gross sales), or the "bottom-line", (profit after expenses)? Each have their own pros and cons, with long-term repercussions from each decision. So which should businesses do in times of crisis in order to keep their organizations solvent and sustainable? Of…

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is one of the most important things anyone in the business world can do as they prepare to start any new project. In business, as in life, no one is an island. You may have started your career thinking you’re purely out for yourself. However, as you continue to rise up within your…

What Is the GROW Coaching Model?

The GROW coaching model was created in the United Kingdom by Sir John Whitmore in the 1980s. It is one of the world’s most popular coaching methods to identify ways to solve problems and achieve goals and is appreciated for its simplicity and consistently positive results. Even though the GROW coaching model is adored by…

What Is Critical Thinking Skills?

Critical thinking is critical – pun intended – in today’s problem-riddled workplace. Every single day we are faced with issues that require us to dig deeper than the surface level in order to find the solutions we need. That requires critical thinking. Critical thinking skills are what help you make fact-based decisions without being swayed…

Tipping Point Leadership

Leading in today’s business environment is not easy, and creating change is even harder. William Bratton understood that. In 1994, Bratton pioneered what has now come to be known as tipping point leadership, an unconventional method for approaching large-scale organizational change. Bratton is a former New York City Police Commissioner who took the reins of…