Category: business consulting

Triple Bottom Line: Business Framework

Triple bottom line is a philosophy that encourages businesses to optimize for more than just profit. Most businesses operate squarely within a capitalist framework. For most of the history of capitalism, the goal of commercial activity has been increased profit. However, profits are far from the only way of defining a company’s interactions with the…

Fishbone Diagram: Business Framework

For as long as there have been teams of people working on shared projects, things have gone unexpectedly wrong. But simply knowing that something has gone wrong doesn’t necessarily tell you why the problem occurred or how to prevent it from occurring in the future. This is why managers all over the world have long…

What Is Predictive Analytics

In today’s competitive economic landscape, companies are turning to advanced analytics to predict consumer behavior, increase their competitive advantage and drive the bottom line. But organizations need data, and more importantly, they need to know how to look at the data in order to find the right insights to turn into action. Effectively, organizations need…

Disney Plus: Is It Viable?

Many companies are coming out with their own streaming services, for some it makes sense, others maybe not. Disney+ is entering the foray and we wanted to look at their market entry from a strategy perspective. Does it make sense for them? Are they a fixed cost or variable business? Based on that, are they…

What Are Analytical Skills?

What are analytical skills and why do you need them? Before you leave the page after reading the word “analytical”, give us a few minutes. We are not asking you to be the guy or gal that never surfaces from a spreadsheet. Far from it. In their simplest form, you already use analytical skills every…

GE McKinsey Matrix

The GE McKinsey Matrix is an excellent tool. It allows organizations to conduct effective portfolio planning based on the strength and industry attractiveness of each business unit. This nine-box matrix was created by McKinsey in the 1970s to help General Electric (GE) determine how to best invest in their business units. The GE McKinsey Matrix…

McKinsey 7s: Organizational Design Assessment

In the business landscape of the 1970s and 1980s, strategy and structure carried far more weight than other “softer” areas of business, such as human resources, in ensuring organizational success. McKinsey’s Robert Waterman and Tom Peters stepped in to develop a framework that elevated the importance of these other components. Enter: The McKinsey 7s framework.…

Effective Meeting Strategies

Meetings, meetings, meetings. Sometimes it seems like the world is run on meetings – and it kind of is. But not all managers run effective meetings. Harvard Business Review says the average executive spends about 23 hours a week in meetings. Needless to say, 23 hours is a lot of valuable time. If you’re not…

MBB-Led Student Consulting Team for Your Company

Good help is hard to find. Name any business, non-profit, or start-up and you’ll find a myriad of strategy and growth-oriented issues (or opportunities, depending on your view). Companies would benefit from focused, strategic attention on these problem areas, but a lack of talented manpower is a barrier to forward progress. In an ideal world,…

Unemployment & Recession: Cause & Effect?

Recession and unemployment seem to go hand-in-hand. For many individuals, unemployment describes their primary experience of a recession, as they are laid off or unable to find work. The two concepts are so closely linked in people’s minds, that many people feel some confusion about the relationship between them. Does a recession cause unemployment? Or…