Category: business consulting

Variable Cost: Examples, Definition, & Formula

Variable cost is one of the two major cost categories that you'll find in nearly every business endeavor. Together with fixed costs, they form the foundation of all corporate expenses. Even in the top business schools we teach at, there is some confusion over what exactly is defined as a variable cost. Our goal is…

Top Corporate Training Topics

Corporate training presents a great opportunity for your team to engage with each other, and up-skill in key areas that most affect performance. Choosing the right corporate training topics is essential to maximizing ROI and making sure your team feels like they are being invested in. Today, Jenny Rae shares MC's top requested corporate training…

Data Analytics: Do Businesses Really Need It?

Every company in the world - from a kid’s lemonade stand to a large corporation like Apple - has data at its disposal. Though a lot of data is created in similar ways, the real value of data comes from being able to interpret it through data analytics and use your analysis to make strategic…

Fixed Cost: Examples, Definition, & Formula

Fixed cost is an essential part of accurate profit projections for every business, regardless of its size. As such, it is included in the calculation of cost of goods sold. These costs for some businesses—for example, manufacturing companies—will be much more substantial than those for other businesses. Examples of this could include, sole proprietorships doing…

Top 10 Consulting Firms in Boston

Are you a consultant living in Boston? Looking to move to Boston? Considering Boston as a potential choice among others, but are not entirely sure? Well, you've come to the right place. We've reviewed locations, employee counts, industry focus, and reputation of many firms in and around the Boston area - and this article will help…

How I Started My First Consulting Business: Confessions of a Bain Consultant

This month's Transparency Series article, How I Started My First Consulting Business: Confessions of a Bain Consultant, is all about Jenny Rae's renegade life and her first business that wasn’t a souped-up lemonade stand. If you haven't read Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 of our Transparency Series (on Jenny Rae's journey before, during and after…

How I Fell In Love With Business: Confessions of a Bain Consultant

If you haven't read Part 1 or Part 2 of our Transparency Series (on Jenny Rae's journey before, during and after Bain and Company), make sure you start there - it will illuminate the back story to what we share here. Enjoy! ******** I sat in the gate area at Washington-Dulles airport, awaiting my first…

Business Spotlight: Stanford GBS grad launches Returnships

Jenny Rae jumped on a call with Linda - a tremendous woman with a big vision to help those who have great pedigree and experience but have taken a break in their careers (whether it be to have children and care for them or to look after elderly parents, or a myriad of other reasons). Linda's…

Why I Never Wanted to Be a Consultant: Confessions of a Bain Consultant

This is Part 2 of a 12-part "Transparency" series, tracing Jenny Rae's slightly crazy life from her early (5-year-old) roots in business to her travels and then to Bain and beyond. If you haven't read it already, make sure you start at Part 1. Then, enjoy! ********  When I first went to UVA, I was one foot…

Why I Never Wanted to Go Into Business: Confessions of a Bain Consultant

This month, we're kicking off a 12-part series for 2015. We're calling it the "transparency" series, and it's authored by none other than MC's Managing Director, Jenny Rae Le Roux. MC grew from 50 to 50,000 to 1.5M readers in a really short period of time. Why? We didn't do any fancy Google SEO ninja…