Category: business consulting

An Ex-Consultant’s Jump into the Start Up World

Dennis is an ex- Altman Vilandrie (now Altman Solon) consultant who made a jump from consulting into the tech start-up scene. He co-founded MobileSuites, an app that puts travel concierge services and hotel information at your fingertips, and which you can (and should) find and sign-up for here. Jenny Rae interviewed him to hear about his…

5 Recommended Courses To Develop Business Understanding for Consulting

Today we bring to you some key ways that you can increase your business understanding and, therefore, your effectiveness in consulting. As a consultant, you have to look at things in ways that most people would not. You are valued for your ability to review/cut/analyze data and use the results to come up with solutions…

Is Consulting Right For You? Video Series

Is consulting right for you? This question has two parts. The first part involves deciding whether working at a consulting firm would be a great fit and a great next step for you career-wise. If you don't know about consulting at all, first watch Why Go Into Consulting? The second part - the one we…

Consulting Firms 101 Video Series

There are 3 different tiers of consulting firms - Top 3 firms, Big 4 firms, and Tier 2 firms - and there are pros and cons of working at each level. Curious to find out what they are? In this video series, we compare the firms using 6 different metrics: Branding/prestige Salary/compensation Training Culture Exit opportunities Interviews…

Business Book Review: The McKinsey Way

Today, we continue our series of book reviews with a look at The McKinsey Way, a book written by a former Associate at McKinsey, Ethan M. Rasiel, who is also the co-author of The McKinsey Mind. Enjoy! ------------------ Why Read The Book?  The McKinsey Way is a light and enjoyable read for those who want a brief overview…

Consulting 101 Video Series

We've been busy. Not only have we spent the last several weeks gallivanting all across the East Coast speaking at schools like Harvard, Penn, Columbia, McGill, and Cornell, but we've also been busy creating a YouTube series. At the start of the new year, we promised our subscribers a YouTube video every week on a…

Decks vs Derivatives: 6 Differences between Consulting and Sales & Trading

Because an earlier article on investment banking versus consulting was so well-received, I decided to write another one on sales & trading (aka S&T). In general, both S&T and management consulting are great career options. They're both meritocratic, well-compensated, and have better lifestyles than investment banking. They both provide optionality if you decide to choose…

Why Harvard Business School Does NOT Equal McKinsey

The thought has crossed the minds of almost anyone breaking into consulting:  Should I get an MBA first? Or should I do 2-3 years in consulting and then get an MBA? Is an MBA degree even necessary? If I already have an MBA, how can I leverage that? Is consulting a stepping stone to business…

Welcome to new readers, an interview with Social Geekette, and useful resources for understanding management consulting

This blog has been growing my leaps and bounds. I've really appreciated meeting readers and helping people in their quest to break into the consulting industry. For new readers, consider subscribing to my RSS. It's the most convenient way to receive blog updates - and expect a slew of content in the next few days…

Why you should do engineering or business if you want to break into consulting: return from hiatus plus a slew of reader questions

It's been too long since my last post. After a string of talks at schools such as UPenn and Yale, I'm back on the blogging train. For now, here are answers to some reader comments and emails. I'll followup with a post tomorrow summarizing key takeaways from the talks Brian and I gave this past…