Category: Case Interview

MC meets MC – Management Consulted meets Marc Cosentino

A few months ago, we had the pleasure of interviewing Marc Cosentino at his Santa Barbara home. For those of you who aren't familiar with Marc, he's pretty much the Godfather when it comes to case interviews. As a kid, he wanted to be the U.S. ambassador to Jamaica, but after going to college he moved…

Consulting Case Anatomy – A Simple Breakdown

As a prospective consultant, one of the things that can seem the most mysterious in the case study interview prep process, is wondering what the interviewer is going to ask you next. We have good news for you! Many of you have heard about interviewer-led and interviewee-led case interviews and are wondering how to approach each…

Business Book Review: Case Interview Secrets

In the case interview prep world, Victor Cheng has risen to a household name in the last 5 years. His book Case Interview Secrets is one of our recommendations for those looking to break in to the industry.  A Stanford graduate who worked in consulting during his early career, Victor Cheng speaks from his experience as…

5 Expert Tactics to Master the Case Interview

To the uninitiated, the case interview can be more than a little bit terrifying. The main point of the case interview is to provide you with an opportunity to show the interviewer the great job you’d do if they hired you today and set you straight to work. Part of that, is showing them your…

Amazon Interview Questions: Insight into the Amazon Interview Process

Amazon interview questions are notoriously tough. With the tremendous business analyst and post-consulting leadership jobs at Amazon, there's a reason why. Named by Forbes as a Top 10 most reputable company, Amazon originally began as a bookworm's dream come true. Now, the Seattle based company has changed the landscape of online retail. Enjoy! Amazon History…

Case Interview Scoring System: Insider’s Look

  Sandy Lerner, co-founder of Cisco Systems, once summed up consulting interviews perfectly when she said, “The first rule of any game is to know you’re in one.” If you’re anything like us, when you play, you play to win. In the research you’ve been doing into the wild world of management consulting, you should…

Black Belt Supreme 2015 closes May 31 (or when capacity is reached)!

For the last 2 years, we've been running our popular Black Belt interview training courses - with tremendous success. Compared to a scary 3% acceptance rate at consulting firms, Black Belts rock - 55% of our participants have received 1 or more offers from top 10 firms. We don't attribute all of the success to us -…

Launching the Consulting Case Interview Bootcamp – Online

At MC, we spend a lot of time enjoying life. In our free time, we dream up new ways to effectively equip prospective consultants so they ace the process and get their dream job. Over the years, we've come up with a lot of really great stuff; our success has amazed even us. What started off as…

Advanced Case Interviews – A Video Overview

This is the 2nd installment of a two-part overview. If you haven't already gone through the first part, we recommend you start there. Now that you have a basic understanding of what a case interview is – you know their purpose, format, and structure – it's time to move on to the meatier topics. As…

Black Belt Supreme closes May 31!

For the last year, we've been running our popular Black Belt Interviewer course - with tremendous success. Compared to a scary 3% acceptance rate at consulting firms, Black Belts rock - 55% of our participants have received 1 or more offers from top 10 firms. We don't attribute all of their success to us -…