Category: Case Interview

Case Interview Math: 3 Tips To Crush It

Case Interview Math – horror stories from friends and contacts (or perhaps your own experience) are probably going through your head just at reading the term. We hear them all the time too. As one of the top reasons for rejection in a consulting interview, case interview math presents a unique barrier to entry. Why…

Booz Allen Hamilton Interviews

You have an interview with Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH). The Booz Allen Hamilton process is designed to allow BAH to get to know you as an individual, outside of what was shared on your resume, although you should be ready for a detailed review of your background and achievements. Booz Allen Hamilton is very interested…

BCG Case Interview

The BCG case interview is one of the most conceptually challenging interviews you will encounter at top-tier consulting firms. Part of what makes BCG interviews tricky is the fact that they may be on bespoke topics. In addition, the interviewee is expected to drive the case forward, develop unique frameworks, uncover creative insights, and propose…

No Case Interview Experience? Start Here

A question we frequently receive from readers is, “Where should I start if I have no experience with case studies or case interviews?” It’s a great question, and we’re all too happy to provide an initial game plan. If you’ve set your course toward a consulting career but are worried about having little to no…

Big 4 Career Lab

Deloitte, EY, PwC, and KPMG… AKA the “Big 4.” The Big 4 are in the top echelon of management consulting firms. For aspiring consultants, they represent a fantastic consulting career. That is, if you can land a job there. Enter: Big 4 Career Lab. Big 4 Career Lab knows the hard work it takes to…

Economic Consulting Case Interview Questions

Economic consulting case interview questions are likely to be some of the most difficult hurdles to clear in your quest to become an economic consultant. The case interview questions for management consulting—economic consulting’s slightly more popular cousin—are much more well documented. But there is a relative scarcity of resources to help with the economic consulting…

Case Coaching McKinsey, Bain, & BCG

Case coaching for your McKinsey interview, Bain interview, or Boston Consulting Group interview will be one of the most important parts of your interview preparation process. It’s no exaggeration to say that this will play a bigger role in whether you get hired than your resume and GPA, although those need to be top notch…

Practice Case Interviews: How To Prepare The Right Way

Practicing case interviews is arguably the most important part of successfully preparing for a management consultant interview. At the top consulting firms, competition is fierce. Watching videos and reading books can be helpful, but at the end of the day, it’s out-loud practice that sets apart successful and unsuccessful candidates. The crucial difference-maker is almost…

Data Science Case Study Interview Prep

The data science case study interview is usually the last step in a long and arduous process. This may be at a consulting firm that offers its consulting services to different companies looking for business guidance. Or, it may be at a company looking to hire an in-house data scientist to help guide strategy decisions…

PwC Interview

Preparing for a PwC interview can be daunting, but we have pulled together what you need to be ready to interview with one of the world’s largest professional services firms. PwC is a Big 4 firm headquartered in London. It was formed from a merger between Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand in 1998. However,…