Category: case studies

Profitability Case Walkthrough- BCG Style

Profitability cases are very common in case interviews. Many businesses are looking to consultants to guide them toward increased profitability. That of course means firms are looking for candidates to be familiar with how to handle this type of case. In particular, BCG has their own style when it comes to these profitability cases. See…

No Case Interview Experience? Start Here

A question we frequently receive from readers is, “Where should I start if I have no experience with case studies or case interviews?” It’s a great question, and we’re all too happy to provide an initial game plan. If you’ve set your course toward a consulting career but are worried about having little to no…

Advanced Case Tactics: Interviewer vs. Interviewee-Led Case Interviews

Last month, we reviewed the nuances of case interview anatomy, emphasizing how interviewer- and interviewee-led interviews have similar case anatomy. If you’re new to the world of management consulting, or if you haven’t been around it for very long, you’ve probably noticed you have a lot to learn. Fit interviews, case interviews, frameworks, and 80/20:…

5 Core Case Study Principles You MUST Know

The case study question is a fundamental portion of any consulting interview. Perhaps you’re a natural at networking, possess a wunderkind resume, and exemplify expert-level interpersonal communication skills. When it comes to evaluating case studies, none of your other skills really matter. The bad news is that case study interview questions require a very particular…