Category: Consulting Case Interview

3 Main Types of Fit Interview Questions

The fit interview is like a behavioral interview for the consulting industry. Within that, there are distinct fit interview question types a candidate should be aware of. Today, we're sharing about 3 types of fit interview questions. The direct questions, story questions, and what we call "tricky" questions. Intrigued? Good! Read on as Jenny Rae,…

Mergers and Acquisitions Case Walkthrough: McKinsey Style- Restaurant Acquisition

When you think about case interview prep, you must be ready for all types of cases. Generally there are 6 types of case interviews. They are: profitability cases, mergers & acquisitions cases, brain teaser cases, consulting math cases, market sizing cases, and market study cases. Going through case walkthroughs can be helpful as they allow…

Top 7 Business Frameworks

Frameworks play an important role in helping consultants and business leaders approach organizational problems from different angles. They provide structure that inform day-to-day operational decisions and strategy. They do this both on a micro and macro level. Business frameworks aid businesses in meeting goals and reaching objectives that lead to long-term success. To help you…

Virtual Case Interview

Doing a virtual case interview has become likely in the post Covid-19 world. They actually weren't uncommon before, for remote candidates, but now a lot of firms are doing case interviews virtually. There are marked differences to doing a case interview online, versus in person. With that in mind, there are some things you can…

What are Behavioral Interviews?

Behavioral interviews are a key component to the case interview. Yet, if you're just starting your interview prep journey, you might be even asking, "What are behavioral interviews?". Or, "How do you pass a behavioral interview?". Or maybe still, you're wondering, "What is the STAR method when interviewing?". All of these are fair questions, and…

Bain-Style Case Study: Lamp Market in Mexico

Listen on Strategy Simplified Former consultant Matt joins Jenny Rae for a Bain-style case walkthrough. He tackles a case piece-by-piece, so listen along to hear how he communicates his thought-patterns and drives to a recommendation. Finally, stick around to hear Jenny Rae give Matt actionable feedback on how he can take his performance to the…

Deloitte Conversational Interviews

Consulting firms are constantly looking for innovative ways to find and vet talent. One way this is being realized, is through more informal interviews. Specifically, Deloitte conversational interviews have taken some candidates by surprise. Imagine studying how to do a case interview, only to get to the interview and not have it be as you…

Profitability Case Walkthrough- BCG Style

Profitability cases are very common in case interviews. Many businesses are looking to consultants to guide them toward increased profitability. That of course means firms are looking for candidates to be familiar with how to handle this type of case. In particular, BCG has their own style when it comes to these profitability cases. See…

Case Interview Math: 3 Tips To Crush It

Case Interview Math – horror stories from friends and contacts (or perhaps your own experience) are probably going through your head just at reading the term. We hear them all the time too. As one of the top reasons for rejection in a consulting interview, case interview math presents a unique barrier to entry. Why…

Booz Allen Hamilton Interviews

You have an interview with Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH). The Booz Allen Hamilton process is designed to allow BAH to get to know you as an individual, outside of what was shared on your resume, although you should be ready for a detailed review of your background and achievements. Booz Allen Hamilton is very interested…