Category: Consulting exit opportunities

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Transitioning From Consulting to Tech

Recently, we've been focusing on tech consulting - specifically, the differences between tech consulting and strategy consulting, and how you can position yourself to transition from tech consulting to a strategy role. Today, we're flipping the conversation on its head - one of the most common (and lucrative) exit opportunities for consultants is into the…

Thinking Like a Consultant: Paralysis by Analysis

It was 5:45am on a Wednesday in June this year. I had a flight out, but it wasn’t the one I should have been on. I had a chance the day before to go big and love someone extravagantly, but I didn't finish strong. I exhibited the one dark downside of thinking like a consultant: paralysis by…

Amazon Interview Questions: Insight into the Amazon Interview Process

Amazon interview questions are notoriously tough. With the tremendous business analyst and post-consulting leadership jobs at Amazon, there's a reason why. Named by Forbes as a Top 10 most reputable company, Amazon originally began as a bookworm's dream come true. Now, the Seattle based company has changed the landscape of online retail. Enjoy! Amazon History…

Consulting exit opportunities: grad school, Fortune 500, non-profit, and public sector careers

This is the concluding part 2 of my series on consulting exit opportunities. The previous post covered finance and entrepreneurship. Graduate school (MBA, JD, masters & PhD) Percentage: 25% Many undergraduate consulting hires pursue graduate school after a few years. Often paid-in-full by their firms (with the agreement to return post-matriculation for several years), it…

Consulting Exit Opportunities: 28% of Management Consultants Pursue Finance

I've briefly discussed consulting exit options before. This article is part 1 of 2 that will "deep dive" into the topic (with a precise estimate of the percentage pursuing each). I considered bumming on a beach in Koh Samui when I left consulting, but for more ambitious folk, here are the main paths: [optin-monster slug="mfmzt6jhpqtviy9rqitx"…