Category: Consulting skills

Business Continuity: Protecting Your Business

In this article, we’re going to take a look at Business Continuity. What is it? How do we plan for it? How can we implement those plans to keep our businesses resilient in the face of global transformation? Business Continuity might sound like the latest business buzzword, but in reality, it is a straightforward concept.…

Time Management: How to Keep Employees Productive

Time management is perhaps one of the most researched, studied, and obsessed over concepts in all of management. Back when physical bookstores were more relevant, you could find entire sections devoted to time management. People travel the world to attend seminars with time management gurus. If you’re an aspiring or practicing manager, consultant, or business…

Unit Economics: What Is It?

Unit economics has become such a buzzword in the world of management consulting that it almost seems passé. Today's era is of highly publicized yet unprofitable startups raising tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. Their presumption is that they will bend toward profitability with scale, making mastering unit economics more necessary than ever. This…

KPI: How to Use Key Performance Indicators

KPI, which stands for Key Performance Indicator, is an acronym you’ve almost certainly heard bandied about by people working in or studying management. But if you’ve never had a specific reason to investigate what KPIs are, it’s likely you’re unfamiliar with the meaning of the term. If you hope to have a career in management,…

Interpersonal Communication: What Is It?

Interpersonal communication is one of those concepts that sounds so self-explanatory that it’s easy not to take a deeper look at what it is. But having an underdeveloped sense of interpersonal communication puts you at a disadvantage. The fact that we all communicate with each other in certain obvious ways—speech, body language, text, etc.—obscures just…

Forming Storming Norming Performing: Team Development

Forming storming norming performing is one of the most influential ideas in the study of team development. Its less catchy title is the Tuckman framework, which studies how groups develop and deepen. The heightened interest in team development is taking place not just in the academic and research communities.  The business world has also acknowledged…

What Is Creative Thinking?

What is creative thinking and why does it matter? In today’s constantly evolving world, people who can think creatively are highly sought after. They have an innate ability to see things through a different lens. They can see patterns and make connections that others cannot. They are flexible and can pivot when change inevitably comes…

Leader vs Manager: A Difference of Purpose

The comparison of a leader vs. a manager might seem like a distinction without a difference. Indeed, many of us use these two terms interchangeably, as if the two roles have identical functions. However, the difference between a leader and a manager is more than mere semantics. You’re unlikely to find someone who has actually…

What Is Change Management?

What is Change Management? Change is the one constant in business, and Change Management is a process that ensures people are able to embrace organizational change successfully. People comprise organizations and they will make or break the success of an initiative - whether it be a merger or acquisition or the implementation of a new…

Business Process Reengineering: Definition, Steps, & Examples

As companies grow and their operations become more complex, certain inefficiencies are inevitable. These tend to start as imperfect, improvised solutions that made sense in an earlier situation, but become obsolete & inefficient at scale. What makes these inefficiencies so dangerous is that they can be extremely difficult to detect. This is because they arise…