Category: Consulting skills

The Ultimate Guide to Operations Transformation (with Ahmed Elkomy – Consultya) (Podcast)

Want to advance in your career and elevate your professional journey - but feel stuck? Looking to optimize your operations transformation toolkit and drive real transformation in your organization - but don't know how? Today's conversation with Ahmed Elkomy breaks down: Learn more and sign up for Consultya's Operations Transformation Program. Relavent Links: Transcription: Coming…

How to Improve Memory: Techniques & Apps

Across all fields—and no matter what else is in your tool belt—memory is an incomparably valuable tool in your arsenal. And how to improve memory is a skill that will pay huge dividends. It keeps you on schedule, on track and on top of things. A sharp memory boosts efficiency and streamlines the processes that…

5 Early Career Mistakes to Avoid

When I started my corporate career, it wasn’t all warm fuzzies. In fact – I made a few really big mistakes. Here were 5 mistakes I made in my first 3 months – and, in what should be no surprise to you, they are the top 5 mistakes we see otherwise-savvy professionals make every single…

Digital Engineering: What Is It & Examples

The digital revolution is clearly here to stay. The ubiquity of digital applications and digitally connected devices might make it seem like the digital ecosystem is self-replicating. But every one of those applications and devices requires human design. This is where digital engineering comes into play. Digital engineering is what drives companies’ ability to meet…

PEST Analysis

Navigating change in the business world can be overwhelming, especially when many outside factors are beyond your control. To stay ahead of the curve, successful businesses put time and effort into understanding these factors. This is where a PEST analysis - no, we’re not talking about bugs – comes in to help businesses adapt to…

Sell Weekends: What They Are and How To Crush Your Weekend (Podcast)

Do you have an upcoming Sell Weekend or are curious what they entail? Jenny Rae reveals all in today's episode as she shares her process for selecting the Bain Atlanta office and how to make a great first impression on a firm during a Sell Weekend. She breaks down: Relevant Links Transcription: Sell Weekends: What…

Week in the Life of a Strategy Consultant at OC&C (Podcast)

If consulting isn't just writing on whiteboards in high-rise buildings and flying first class (and it's not), what is it? This episode answers that question - specifically, what life at OC&C Strategy Consultants looks like through a conversation with Associate Consultants Isobel Miles and Akshaan Parikh. We delve into: OC&C is a strategy consultancy that…

Consulting Slide Deck: Do’s and Don’ts

The consulting slide deck is a management consultant’s best friend. Through a great presentation, a skilled consultant can consolidate months of research, analysis, and data into a concise and easy-to-action recommendation for a client. But how do you build a deck that influences clients and builds consensus around your recommendation? In this article, we’ll explore…

Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is one of the most important and underrated dimensions of professional success. As an individual, you can have all the education and expertise in the world, but if your business etiquette is lacking, it can derail your career. And even for large organizations conducting major deals, all the pieces can be perfectly in…

Digital Commerce

For decades, the consumer landscape has been dominated by eCommerce. Let’s define cCommerce as the use of the internet for the buying and selling of products and services. But increasingly, the landscape has been trending toward something called digital commerce. Digital commerce may sound like a synonym for eCommerce, but the two are meaningfully different.…