Category: Consulting skills

Teamwork Skills: Increasing What Employers Value

Talking about teamwork skills might not conjure up the most exciting feelings but building teamwork skills is paramount for creating a high performing team that consistently achieves goals and exceeds expectations. You have probably heard the old (and trite) adage about what TEAM stands for: “together, everyone achieves more.” When people work together, each bringing…

Amazon Memo: What Lessons Does It Hold?

The Amazon memo is often mentioned as one of the management team’s keys to the company’s operational success. Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos credits their embrace of the six-page memo as one of the company’s most important managerial tactics. This might make it seem like there’s some elaborate act of genius behind these memos.…

Time Management & Productivity

What is more important – working harder or working smarter? Though both are crucial to a company’s success, when you can’t have both, working smarter leads to faster and more efficient results. Unless you are in medicine or engineering, generally, 5 goods are better than 1 great. What do we mean by this? Teach your…

Creative Destruction

Creative destruction is a concept used for explaining change in market dynamics characterized by new products, services, and techniques displacing or replacing old ones. In the wake of globalization and the digital revolution, the modern economy has been defined by an unprecedented pace of change and innovation. Indeed, whole markets and industries shift so rapidly…

Upward Feedback: What Is It & Examples

Asking for feedback from your team or boss is hard. You open yourself up to criticism and put yourself in a vulnerable position in the workplace. However, it’s arguably even more difficult to provide authentic upward feedback to your superiors. After all, these are the people who are in charge of your promotions and raises.…

Managing Remote Teams

You may be one of the many managers new to managing a remote team as a result of our new normal of social distancing. Whether this will be a permanent shift or not, it can be challenging to ensure your employees remain engaged, connected and productive. We have spent a great deal of time working…

How To Delegate Effectively

Knowing how to delegate and do it effectively is more than just simply passing along tasks. Delegating is an opportunity to empower employees. It allows them to take ownership of promoting the mission, values, and goals of the organization. It also conveys trust to your team members. But how often do you find yourself with…

Unemployment & Recession: Cause & Effect?

Recession and unemployment seem to go hand-in-hand. For many individuals, unemployment describes their primary experience of a recession, as they are laid off or unable to find work. The two concepts are so closely linked in people’s minds, that many people feel some confusion about the relationship between them. Does a recession cause unemployment? Or…

Microsoft Teams vs. Zoom vs. Cisco Webex

We’ve seen a huge uptick in the usage of video conference apps since the onset of COVID-19. “I’m hopping on another Zoom call…” has become the new buzz-phrase in households across the world as millions of people have transitioned to working from home. We’re no different here at MC – we’ve never been on more…

How To Persuade People Through Story

Think back to a conversation where you tried to persuade someone to your point of view. You used every fact and figure you could think of. You created a logical argument based on solid data. You used numbers and statistics. But yet, you failed to persuade them. What’s More Powerful: Rhetoric or Experience? Now think…