Category: Consulting skills

Building Resilience: A Key To Promotion

Building resilience is a critical skill for your personal and professional life. Resilient people can make lemonade out of lemons and ultimately grow from adversity. By recognizing they can handle (and grow from) difficult situations, resilient people ultimately have more self esteem and are able to handle future challenges better than non-resilient people can. Because…

Anchoring Bias: Definition, Examples, & How to Avoid

Have you ever been in a position where you are asked a question and have no idea what the answer is? Sometimes you may grasp onto the first estimate you hear from a friend or a coworker. This is the essence of the anchoring bias or the adjustment bias. The anchoring bias is extremely powerful…

Managing Up: What is It and Examples

Everyone knows the importance of being a good manager and empowering your team. However, the other side of the coin is often overlooked - how to manage your managers or “manage up.” Managing up centers around setting expectations so you and your managers are on the same page. Managing up in a lot of ways…

Market Intelligence: Definition, Methods, Tools & Competitive Advantage

Market intelligence is more important than ever to stay ahead of the competition in a rapidly changing business landscape. Market intelligence is one of the key tools that can give you the insights you need to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. But what exactly is market intelligence? And what are the…

Digital Literacy As A Leadership Skill

In today’s pervasive digital world, you are constantly assessed based on your digital communications. For example, was your email clear enough? Was your memo easy to read? Are you able to distill your key messages into an easy to understand Slack message? In addition, it is no secret that the best companies use big data…

Power Dynamics: Understanding Power in the Workplace

Power dynamics exist in human workspaces. In business, power is often thought of as a necessary evil. It's what enables companies to get things done, but it can also be abused, leading to conflict and resentment. Management consultants are always looking for new ways to increase their effectiveness and add value to their clients. In…

How to Build Rapport

There’s been a long-standing saying in business that “it is not what you know; it’s who you know.” In an industry like consulting, you are continually meeting new people, whether it is clients, coworkers, etc. In order to succeed in the industry, it is critical to form good relationships with your counterparts. One of the…

SCQA Framework: Structure Information to Communicate Impactfully

When you are trying to get your point across, how you communicate is just as important as what you say. You may have the most interesting and prolific points, but if your key message is lost within the overall story, you really have nothing. The SCQA framework is a way to structure your communication to…

Greenwashing: What is it?

"Greenwashing" is a term coined in the late 1980s. It refers to the practice of making misleading claims about a product to suggest using it is helpful to the environment. It has become increasingly prevalent in recent years as more and more companies attempt to capitalize on consumers' growing concerns about the environment. Unfortunately, greenwashing…

How To Mentor Remotely

Mentoring is a vital part of professional development. but it doesn't always have to happen in person. With the rise of remote work, more and more mentoring relationships are taking place online. Virtual mentorship can be just as effective as traditional mentorship, with some added benefits. For example, remote mentors can more easily connect with…