Category: Corporate Training

Employee Experience Management

In the old days, companies used to pay very little attention to their employees’ experiences outside of raw productivity. As time has gone on and the corporate landscape has evolved, however, forward-thinking companies have started to appreciate that constructing positive experiences for their employees is crucially important. Companies are now realizing that if they want…

Balanced Scorecard- What Is It & Benefits

Today, we dive into the exciting world of the Balanced Scorecard. Don't worry, it's not as daunting as it sounds. Let's put on our strategic thinking caps and embark on this enlightening journey! What Is a Balanced Scorecard? Ah, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). It's like a Swiss Army knife for measuring performance, going beyond the…

Timeboxing: What Is It & How To Do It

There is a long standing saying that a task will expand into the amount of time you have. For example, if you have an hour, your task will take an hour. However, if you have 10 hours, the task will take 10 hours. This can be problematic if the task is only supposed to take…

Conscious Communication: What is it & Examples

There is a long-standing saying that it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. This is one of the tenets of conscious communication. Specifically, when you communicate in a conscious way, you are able to get your ideas across more effectively and persuasively. Ideally, mastering conscious communication enables you to shape your message…

Workplace Culture

When you are asked in an interview, “why do you want to work at company x”, workplace culture usually comes up. As you read the news, you can also hear about companies like Zappos with great culture and companies like Away where there are horror stories of employees bullying others over Slack. Taking a step…

McKinsey Conflict Resolution: How the firm approaches this critical skill

McKinsey is arguably one of the most prestigious and successful consulting firms in the world. The company has a reputation for solving some of their clients’ most critical issues in a short time. This amount of responsibility can bring on a tremendous amount of pressure, and, at times, that can lead to conflict. The conflict…

Corporate Communication: Challenges, Feature, & Tools

In an unpredictable world, companies need effective corporate communications now more than ever. Whether internal or external facing, corporate communication must do more than just convey information – it must share a narrative that gets distinct stakeholders to “buy in” to the company’s mission, vision, and goals. What Is Corporate Communication? There are lots of…

Employee Development: Where to Start

Employee development is a great way to create a healthy, thriving company culture while investing in future talent. Great candidates can be hard to come by, so learning how to teach hired talent to reach their full potential can be a major boon to management consulting firms. Investing in existing talent saves the time and…

Compassionate Leadership: Model, Benefits, & Examples

Compassionate leadership is not something that can be glazed over as simply a pleasant idea or an interesting concept. In recent years, people have become accustomed to shifting with unexpected workplace challenges more than ever before, often to the detriment of their personal lives. Managing with a compassionate leadership style will help you build connections…

Expectancy Theory: How to Tailor Motivation

The Expectancy Theory of Motivation has become increasingly popular within the management world as a strategy for aligning employee and company incentives. This is one of the key responsibilities and challenges a manager has. Incentives are malleable, however. Effective management can help bring employee and company incentives into a more synergistic relationship. This is exactly…